Chapter 2

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"So, we're agreed then?"

"I think so, yes."

"And you're happy with the plan?"

"Of course."

With the more intricate details of their engagement/deal finalised in what could only be described as the briefest of meetings, Y/N took pleasure in turning and striding from the room, desperate to escape the tense atmosphere that Tom seemed to carry around him like a cloak. Even as she walked away, she could feel his eyes boring into her very skin and it took everything in her not to either shiver at the intensity of his gaze or whirl around and slap him for making him feel that way.

Still, despite the tension in the air, Y/N was happy to leave the boxed room knowing that she would still maintain the same authority in her business that she had always had, without Tom being able to take it away from her. That would always be the main priority in her eyes, she was always going to put her business first. So, as she took the final steps from the room and let the door boom loudly behind her, she tried not to think too much about anything as the sound of a gunshot sounding in the distance echoed across her surroundings. Instead, her sole thought was on the horse that she had bid on before her meeting with Tom had begun, desperate for another win that morning before returning to her Uncle's side.


The sound of her own thunderous footsteps seemed to be the only thing to be heard for miles as Y/N stormed up to the large, unfamiliar building. With her fists curled at her sides and itching to grab for the hidden gun at her side, she found it took all too much effort not to whip around and shoot the staff 'guarding' her between the eyes. 

Barely twenty-four hours after her meeting with Tom at the races, Y/N found that everything had changed. Even before it had been announced to the public that they were engaged Y/N suddenly became suffocated overnight by the sheer number of people hurrying to be by her side.

At first, she tried to go along with the whole 'extra security' thing, knowing that the people surrounding her were only trying to do their jobs. She'd even managed to go a whole four days before growing tired of the unneeded protection and snapping at one of the guards and tackling them – but in her own defence, it was the middle of the night and she'd only got up to grab a glass of water so, in her sleep-induced daze,  she didn't expect one of Tom's men to still be awake and on guard. That was why hearing one of them behind her made her immediately go on the defence, resulting in a lot of cussing on both sides as she realised who she had attacked and pinned down to the ground.

Yet, even then, she tried to move on and accept the changes that she knew would have to come into her life eventually when she agreed to the Holland's deal. The final straw however, was after the engagement was purposefully leaked to another mob like Y/N and Tom had planned. Using an inside man from Tom's mob who had been working as a double-agent of sorts, they allowed the basic details of the engagement to be brought to the attention of one of the higher ranked mobs in Europe and from there, that information spread quickly like expected.

But because of Tom's reputation and ever-increasing number of enemies, it was obvious that Y/N was going to be more at risk than she had ever been before, so Tom did the only logical thing and increased the security around her. And while her uncle was happy to see that Tom was taking his responsibilities seriously as Y/N's fiancée (because as real or as fake as their relationship was, both Y/N and Tom both had to act the part of an actual couple) Y/N couldn't help but grow more and more frustrated every time she caught they eye of someone who was supposed to be watching her secretly.

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