Chapter 2~ Reject Problem People

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I rubbed my fingers together and walked into the cabin behind Luke.  As I went in, Greenday was blasting out of and iPod on a loudspeaker, 2 of the boys seemed to be having a heated game on the Xbox and the other was seated on the bottom bunk of a bed Cross legged writing something in a book.  As Luke came in, the one on the bed looked up and smiled.

"Who's this?" he asked, not particulary to me but more of a question to Luke.

Luke was about to introduce me to him but I decided that I didn't want him to think I was some shy girl who couldn't even introduce herself so I stepped forward, quirked my eyebrow and said.

" My names Rori.  I'm staying in this cabin until I leave this dumphole" Which is very soon I thought to my self.


Did you really think I was just going to stay here like some good little girl?

Haha you make me laugh.

"So y'all better just deal with it" I snapped.  The other 2 boys paused their game and looked up at me.

The boy who appeared to be winning the game had bright green fuzzy hair and a black eyebrow piercing turned around and GOOD LORD. It was the guy who I was arrested with!

"Fiesty one here."

"Michael!" I exclaimed.

"hey Rori" he said still smirking. 

"You know each  other?" Calum exclaimed.

"You could say that"

"I'm going out" Michael stated still smirking.

The guy next to him losing at the game said "It's past curfew Mickey, if you get caught the whole cabin will get into trouble"

"Snuff up, hasn't stopped me before has it?" Michael smirked.

I heard a sigh come from the guy on the bed. Before? Has he been here before?

"But then again, you  get caught every time and we have to pay for" Michael rolled his eyes and slammed the door behind as he walked into the chilling night.

"Rori, that bunk over there isn't used so you can take top or bottom" I nodded to him and flung myself onto the top.  As a child I'd had a bunkbed and had always enjoyed being of the ground while I slept, it made meimagine I was flying.  Of course, I didn't say that.

"well I haven't introduced these douches" Luke gestured towards the 2 remaining boys.

"Michael was the grumpyass that just left, that is Calum." Luke pointed to the boy playing the game.  He had dark hair and a muscly body.  He had bracelets all up his arm he looked ....

"Before you even think it, I'm not Asian" he stated.  Not turning around.  I chuckled quietly to myself.

"I didn't even think it" I replied. Yet... I had said in my mind.

"And this guy is Ashton" he pointed to Ashton who had started writing in the book again.

At the mention of his name he looked up and grinned.  His dimples deepened and his soft brown curls bounced around his head.  I took in his hazel eyes and his, very well build body.  His chiseled cheekbones and the red bandana he had around his head.  I took a double take of his hands as I realized the bigness of his hands. WOW.

"Ash, please." he told Luke rolling his eyes.  Ash pulled up his right hand sleeve to rub his hands together but as he did that I noticed a small tattoo there. It looked like a symbol or a logo or something.  Before I could examine it he'd pulled down his sleeves.  I sent him a small smile and winked.  He grinned back at me.

I looked back around the room and realized Calum had switched the game from a racing one to CoD, he was absolutely massacring the enemies.

Luke came close and whispered in my ear " Calum was sent here for illegal gun dealing".  I raised my eyebrows.

"That's why he's amazing at CoD?"  Luke nodded.

sweet I thought to myself.

The boys all went back to what they were doing so I took the opportunity to look around. 3Bunk beds were placed against the walls of the room, a coffee table in the centre which had an infinite amount of junk on it.  Bean bags were placed at random and the large flatscreen tv was placed infront of a small love sofa.  I went through a door that revealed a small bathroom, pungent with the smell of cologne and axe deodorant.  Fab. I said sarcastically to myself. I saw another door which led into what appeared to be a small kitchen, the fridge was overflowing with junk and there was mould lining most of the food.  It looked like the washing hadn't been done in years.


If they thought I was gunna do it they are severely wrong.

I realized that there was a cellar beneath the kitchen but the dooor was locked.  I wonder what was down there?



Hey guys! How was that? Please tell me what you think of the story? Whose your fav 5SOS member?  Write it down in the comments and vote and I'll choose one person to give a shoutout to in the next chapter.

Just thought I should warn you, I'm going on holiday for 2 weeks so I won't be able to update but I've got a good plot twist coming up for you guys so keep reading and be patient.

Also what do you think of the title of my chapters?

(CoD is a video game called 'Call of Duty')

Yours loving Daisychainer

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