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So far school has been horrible. Devante already hates me with every living cell in his body. That not even the worst part but lets try to forget about that

 That not even the worst part but lets try to forget about that

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(This is Taty's outfit)
Let's just see how first period goes. I followed behind Devante as he lead us to  Trigonometry. As soon as I walked in the classroom all eyes were on me. I hated being the center of attention. I really wish all these people would just stop staring.
The teacher asked "Are you Ms.Ali?"
I nodded hoping not to upset Devante because I didn't know what he was capable of.
"Great. Take a seat next to Dana. Dana raise your hand."
A beautiful black girl raised her hand and I walked over to her.
"Hey I'm Dana but alot of people call me Queen or Cleo."
I shook her hand and said "Hi, I'm Tatyana."
"Tatyana is a dope ass name."
I chucked "Thanks Dana is dope name too." I feel like Dana and I are gonna get along great.

2hrs later
"Oh my lord that class is so damn long. I can't stand it." Dana explained.
"Heh I feel that. So what's your next class?" I asked her.
"I have Biology next what about you?" She questioned me. "Um..." I glanced at my schedule, "I have World History next."
"Aw forreal man? That teacher is my favorite. Ms.Lyons is mad dope I'm tellin you. You gon like her. She barely gives out homework unless its a study guide for a test." She exclaimed.
"Thanks for the info Dana, I'll see you at lunch?"
"Of course. Peace" She said as she dashed to biology.
Devante appeared behind me and punched me in my back.
"Oww fuck. What the hell man?"
Oh I'm done for. He told me to watch how I speak to him and I completely messed up. I hate life. He waited for the halls to clear out to put me in a chokehold and yell "Didn't I say to watch how you speak to me?" Again, I wanted to respond but the words would not leave my mouth. He tighted his grip "Are you deaf? Answer me!" I nodded and said on the verge of tears "Y-Yes, I'm sorry Devante. It won't happen again."
He let go and said as I was struggling to catch my breath "Good. Now go fix yourself. No-one needs to know what happened out here."
I ran to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. This can't be my reality. How can someone look so sweet,gentle and caring and be so aggressive and angry? I needed to snap out of it and make sure I came out in time.
"We're late. Hurry your lazy ass up." He snapped at me.
I said nothing and followed him once more. I hope I don't have all my classes with him.

At lunch
Dana waved me over to her table where her and few of her friends sat. I made my way over there a took a seat.
"Ya'll this is Tatyana, shes new. Tatyana this is Kaylani but everyone calls her Lani, That's her sister Tionne but everyone calls her T or T-Boz, That's Rozanda but everyone calls her Chili and then there's Devante's table where all the niggas sit. He always got that Reese bitch on his back. She's mad annoying. If she gives you any trouble let me know."
I nodded "Thanks Cleo, you're mad cool."
She popped her imaginary collar and said "Ya know, I try, I try." All of busted out laughing. Hmmm Maybe my time here won't be so bad.

Physical Education
P.E came rolling around and I'm gonna keep it a grip, I love P.E. so much. That's the class I always look forward to. I changed into the P.E. uniform and put my hair in a ponytail then proceded to walk out the locker rooms. I walked over to Kaylani and allem. "Heyy ya'll!"
Lani said in excitement "Hey bitch, Ight so we doin volleyball now so once everyone comes out coach is gonna take attendence and we are gonna get split into teams 2 of 24 so we can switch out 4x each. Mind you P.E. is an hour and a half long."
I'm gonna have so much fun.
Coach spilt us up and I was on a team with Devante, Lani and a few of Devante's friends.

"Ayo who's shorty next to Lani in tha front? She fine like winee." Roderick said about the new girl. I rolled my eyes. I see nothing great about her. She's mediocre. "Her name is Tatyana and she's basic."
"Damn son who shoved a stick up ya ass today?" Marcus said while everyone laughed at his dumbass. As I was about to say something coach blew the whistle signaling the game to start. The other team started off with the ball and then hit it over the net. "Mine!" Tatyana yelled as she dove for the ball. She quickly got up and spiked it down and got us our first point in the span of a minute.
Darnell said while licking his ashy ass lips "Damn shorty can play."
What is up with these niggas? Yeah she got a fat ass but that's it. "Man get outta here with that shit. She's just playing the game."
"Okay Devante, stay mad." Dalvin said while he fixed his sneakers.
God this is gonna be a long year.

-Queen T

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