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I had stayed up late figuring out ways to make Tatyana happy again. What do you do for the girl who just lost her mom and mentally lost her dad? I want to put myself in her shoes but it seemed impossible. I was racking my brain for hours and not a single thing came to mind. I ended up falling asleep.

 Soon after Devanté fell asleep his memories attacked his mind

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Soon after Devanté fell asleep his memories attacked his mind. Memories he thought he surpressed for an eternity came back full force. When Devanté went by his birth name Donald there was an...incident to say the least when he was 10 years old. He was walking home from his friends house when a group of guys stepped in front of him. Young Donald was sweet and naive so he polietly asked if he could get by because he is walking home. The group didn't budge. They had menacingly evil looks on their faces. Little ole donald moved to the left and the gang moved with him. He started to get worried and pleaded with them to move so he could get home. That's not what the men had in store for him. They knew his father and they had a vendetta against him. Donald's father got their fathers incarcerated. They men had a hatred for his whole family. What they did was unimaginable. Poor little Donald will never forget this day. Ever.
I woke up in a panic, tears streaming down my face. "Why, Why, Why?" Was all I could ask myself. Was It my fault? Why did they choose me? I needed someone to talk to bad. I called up the one person who I knew wouldn't have wanted to talk to me. Especially now. I dialed up Tatyana. "Hello?" she answered. I was quite surprised. "Hey Tatyana, it's Devante. Can we talk?" I asked her nervously. She hesitated, "Sure, I'll meet you outside Tionne's house. Just knock when you're here," she said sleepily. "Ok thanks. I'll be there in 15." I was glad she was willing to talk to me. "Okay see you soon." She said then hung up the phone. I put on some sweats, a sweatshirt and my shoes then walked out to go see her. I arrived at T's house and knocked like she told me to. She opened the door immediately. "Hey let me put on my jacket real quick." She told me before she came out to their porch. "So what's up? What did you need to talk about?" I couldn't help but stare at her face. She was so beat up and bruised and the guilt was overbearing and damn near eating me alive. "Hello? Earth to Devante?" I snapped out of my daze. "Huh? Oh sorry. I just wanted to apologize for everything I've done to you. I know the reason why but there is no excuse for my behavior. I hope you can forgive me and that we can start over." She did the unexpected. She gave me the biggest and warmest hug anyone could ever ask for. I hugged back. It was more of a caress but regardless it was enjoyable.
"Thank you Devante. Now tell me what the reason was." She said softly. I took a deep breath. I explained to her what happened and how it all came back. She gave me another hug and wiped the tears that were slowly falling down my face. I felt vulnerable in this moment but I also felt much better. "Why didn't you tell me sooner Vanté? I would have understood. It's like little children bullies. They bully kids either because they've been bullied before or they have something that they want. It isn't the best way to handle things but it is a way." She said and she sounded so amazing and mature. "How do you have such a way with words? And how are you so understanding?" I questioned. "I don't know I guess you just get wiser with age," she chuckled after that sentence. Even when it's dark she glows. She so amazing.
She brightens my day.

-Queen T

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