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It was a new day and I was praying it would better. From Friday's events and after what Devante told me I made sure to cover myself up. I was forced to put on a longsleeve black turtleneck and jeans. I feel like it's my fault that he is bullying me. Maybe I did something to provoke him? I really can't keep this a secret any longer. I needed to tell someone and fast. As I walked to into the gym my eyes scanned the room to find Cleo. I soon as spotted her, I ran and pulled her away and told her it was important.
"Yo wassup? You good?" Dana questioned me with worry in her voice. I shook my head no. "You probably won't believe me but something has been happening between Devante and I. It's not what you think."
"Then what's going on?" She asked. I rolled up my sleeves and told her that this was only some of the marks he's left on me. "Please don't tell him or anyone what I've told you. If he finds out I'm as good as dead." Dana seemed angry and empathetic at the same time. "I'm so sorry Taty. I can't believe he's doing this to you. I'll respect ya wishes and not tell him or anyone. But if it escalates I have to tell someone" Dana told me. I sighed. "Okay that's fair. But until then pleaseee." She nodded in agreement. Cleo looked at me and assured me "I always have your back no matter what. Remember what we said." And at the same time we said "When we together we gon set it off."
I trusted Dana with this secret hoping she would keep her word. This would be a very dangerous secret if it got out I would be in my grave. I don't know why he does this but he seems to enjoy in this.

I saw Tatyana once this morning and haven't seen her or Dana after that. I swear if she told her she's really gonna be in for it when I see her. Speaking of Tatyana she is walking by me now. I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the Janitor's closet. "What were you and Dana talking about this morning?" Her voice was shaky and full of fear "I-I was just asking her if she wanted to go to the movies this weekend." I had a slight feeling she was lying so I asked her again more aggresive this time" WHAT WERE YOU AND DANA TALKING ABOUT THIS MORNING?" Tears started to form in her eyes as she spoke. "I just wanted to a-ask if she wanted to see a movie this weekend. I promise." I rolled my eyes and opened the door to let her out. Before she went to class I pinched her shoulder and whispered "You better not be lying to me Tatyana. You know what will happen if you don't." She nodded her head and then walked to class. I don't know why I chose her to do this. I could have chose anyone but Tatyana was my choice. I know I shouldn't be doing this but there is something triggering me. Maybe there is something wrong with me.

-Queen T

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