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For some odd reason seeing Tatyana hold in her screams and whimpers and being on the verge of tears turns me on. There is just something so sexy about seeing her bite down on her lip in pain. Now don't get me wrong I still hate her but what I'm doing to her gives me an adrenaline rush. After I finished eating, I went upstairs to go find her. She has no clue what is coming to her. I opened one of the guest bedrooms to see her laying on the bed watching TV.
As soon as she saw me she jumped and said "I'm s-sorry if I did anything to upset you. I-I swear it wasn't on purpose. Whatever I did please forgive me." I like having that power over her. Making her do whatever I say, scaring her just by walking in the same room she is, making her uneasy by being seated next to her. It's my favorite feeling in the world."Shut up. All you do is apolgize. Keep your mouth shut for once." I yelled. As I walked over to her and closed the door she started to get out the bed and walk closer to the wall. She reached the wall and I got her right where I wanted her. I choked her tightly to the point where she couldn't breathe. She was grabbing my hand trying to pull it off her throat but that made me increase my grip. Tears started to stream down her face and an evil grin appeared on mine.
After a few minutes I let go and threw her on the bed. I wasn't done with her yet. I grabbed her side and pinched her while she winced in pain. "If you tell anyone what is going on, I swear you'll have worse bruises and cuts than I'm already going to give you" I whispered. I had a knife in my back pocket and intended on using it. I pulled it out and slowly started cutting her legs and stomach. She screeched out in pain but I covered her mouth with my man. The more she squirmed the worse it would be for her. I'm enjoying this.

I wanted him to stop. It was unbearable. I guess you could say I could deal with his normal abuse but this? I felt as if I was gonna pass out or die. Why out of everyone would he choose me? It seems like he has a personal vendetta against me. What could I have possibly done? I needed to get out of this situation. Squirming only made it 10x worse. I had an idea that I hoped would work. I bit his hand real hard so he would stop and then I ran to Kaylani's room. It didn't take him long to catch up and start banging on the door. I was legitametly scared for my life. I didn't know what to do at this point in time. "Tatyana open this door now or when I get in here I'm gonna put you in the hospital" He boomed. I started crying really hard. Why lord? Why? Oh heavanly father, let me know what I have done to provoke you for you to send me Devante. I will do anything if you remove him from my life.

"Tatynana, I'm dead serious. Open this fucking door now." I sighed and hesitated yet still opened the door. He punched me so hard blood immedietly started gushing out my mouth and face. He kept going and going and smacking me incredibly hard. I was starting to float in and out of consicousness. It was when he threw the last punch everything went black....

-Queen T

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