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Jason and Lily hadmoved you to the couches and set the fire in the fireplace, soon itwas crackling merrily and they had brought you some tea. "A nightcap you once called it." Lily explained with a smile and offered upa (favorite small snack) you wondered how it could be it was yourfavorite small snack to have with tea.

You didn't askbecause you were afraid what they'd see. You hadn't ever reallythought about the idea of past lives. And even if you had fullybelieved in it...for them to claim that you had met them time andtime again...nope. Just nope. You still half thought it was a dream.

Luckily theydidn't talk about it instead asking you questions about your hobbiesand who you were. It was well into this that you finally got thecourage to ask them what was burning in you as they asked all thesequestions.

"But...if youtwo have known me for so many lives don't you all know this?" Youasked and Jason was the one who answered.

"Well your coreis the same, the same soul but every life you're different." Heexplained and Lily added in her own view of it.

"Who you are atthe're the kind of girl who will stand up for somethingthat is right; even if it works to your disadvantage. That when youget something in your head you don't let it go, and you are quiet thecurious one." She added with a giggle and you blushed at thecompliment but the truth is they are right.

"Especially whenyou're being stubborn. It is so cute." Jason gave you a wink andyou shook your head at him. But they seemed to get them to realizethat you were a bit uncomfortable to being asked about your childhoodand who you had known.

So now they movedyour conversation on to more natural topics and instead talked aboutyour hobbies and more in depth of what you were planning and onlywhat you wanted to tell them. They never tried to force you to saythings or made you feel bad about it. It was just them asking andseemingly were very grateful for what you were willing to them them.

They didn't justask question and listen, they also told you stories about when theywere younger and about themselves. You felt like you were getting toknow them and it felt like getting to know each other in an organicway.

You found out thatJason did wood work and played a lute, Lily knitted and liked to singbut could also play the harp and flute. They each knew five languagesfluently not even counting their elfish language. They even said afew lines to you and even though you couldn't understand a word ofit, it did sound nice.

They revealed thatboth were avid readers, Jason loved to read mysteries and poetry,Lily liked horror, stories and riddles. Lily loved flowers, butdespite her name her favorite wasn't lilies but was sunflowers. Jasonalso loved nature, he loved climbing ivy and would carve woodensupport to make amazing green houses with ivy climbing up the walls.

"So you like togarden?" You asked and they both nodded and Jason chuckled.

"We are elves,there are different kinds but..." he trailed off as he saw thebright eyes of yours that looked curious and he smirked, "there arefive different kinds of elves, you could call them races?" Hehummed and pointed to his sister.

"But we'll holdoff on that Name, it is getting late. Don't think I didn't notice howyou've been looking tired and trying to hide your yawns." Lily saidand rubbed your back and you hummed your eyes closing even more.

"But I just wokeup not even a little ago." You tried to say but it wasn't veryconvincing considering that you yawned the words out.

"It has been aneventful day, you need your sleep darling. I'm sorry, I was so intotalking to you I forgot to worry about that." Jason stood andtaking your hand led you to the bed, pulling the blankets back hemoved you to lay down pulling the blankets up around your chin."Goodnight my heart," he whispered stroking your hair.

"Tomorrow we'lltell you all about our species." He winked at you and you couldn'thold back the giggle and nodded at him happily. "Still the same;new knowledge is your most favorite thing ever huh?" You nodded andhonestly were starting to get used to them knowing things about youand you decided to just go with the flow. Even if just for a few dayswhile you were pretending till you could get out. "Tomorrow dear.Tomorrow. I promise."

You glanced asLily put some sheets, blankets and pillows down on the bed and movedto give you the same goodnight message. "Sweet dream honey," sheadded, "we'll just be over there if you need absolutely anything."You looked over to where she pointed and saw that it was the couchesthat you had just been sitting on.

"The couches?"You asked and they nodded, "but isn't this your bed?" You startedto sit up and Jason put his hand on your shoulder.

"We can sleep onthe couches love, you get some rest. You're not ready for us to sharea bed with you." He assured and you shook your head.

"There is enoughroom on this bed to hold at least five people." You said andblushed, "there is at least enough room for you guys to sleephere." They weren't going to do so but as they opened their mouthsbut you spoke before they could. "Please, I would feel horrible foryou guys to sleep on the couch because of me." You begged and youcould see them sigh and nod.

"Okay, we'll puton some pajamas and come lay down." Jason agreed and Lily bit herlip still looking worried.

"What is itLily?" You asked and she gave you a small smile.

"It's just thatboth Jason and I always end up holding you whenever we share a bedwith you." Lily explained causing you to blush even more but yougave her a smile and took her hand to give it a gentle squeeze.

"If that happensit's fine Lils, go ahead." You assured her and she nodded and thetwo hurried to some of the doors that didn't lead to the hall or tothe bathroom either. So wherever that was there was their was onelast room unexplored.

When the two cameup they were in pajamas and they were probably going into twoclosets. Lily was in a nightgown almost identical to yours but it wasa light purple color and was a three/fourths sleeves and the hemended in some pretty ruffles and dark red ribbon, and it was a scoopneck. Jason was wearing a pair of sleep pants that reached his kneesand a simple top.

Both climbed intothe bed, keeping a respectful distance from you each whispering agoodnight to you. You were honestly worried that if you were ever inthis situation, that they'd be touching you and doing who knows what.But they were being perfect gentleman and lady. They weren't tryingto do anything to make you uncomfortable and if it weren't for thefact you couldn't leave this would be the best thing ever.

I was planning this chapter to besomething different but it wasn't ready yet. I hope you guys likethis and I really enjoyed getting to know Jason and Lily a little bitmore. I do want to spend some time exploring them each by themselves,they won't be just the Twins, they'll be Jason and Lily as their ownperson. I know it feels right now like they are just one entity butgive it time they will be their own characters, they aren't ready tolet us all know who they are by themselves to.

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