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"My apologies Queen of Angels," The woman with white hair said picking up the pieces of broken glass, what startled Lucy the most was her beautiful white wings that flapped slightly. "You alarmed me."

"I'm am very sorry," Lucy held a hand out for the woman to grab, which she did. "What is your name?"

"I am Yukino Agria! A servant of the royal castle, which you are currently standing in." She giggled. Her eyes widen as she gasp, she held Lucy wrist and pulled her out of the room with Natsu following.

"W-wait! What's going on?!" Lucy said, Yukino ignored her plea and picked her up. Lucy was in her arms with a hand holding her back for support and another one holding her legs. "Hold on my Queen."

"Where are we going?!" Lucy shouted as Yukino flew rapidly. "I have to take you to the consul." Yukino flew out of the castle, Lucy watched below and saw many other people with wings talking and smiling. "You have to talk to them."

"Who?" Lucy questioned. Finally Yukino stopped in front of two doors, "Don't worry, I'll bring your friend back here." Yukino said before flying off. Lucy held a hand out for her to wait but to no avail. She sighed and pushed on the two large doors. It opened slowly and inside was a row of people sat. They were all older than her for certain.

"Excuse me?" Lucy asked lowly, "I'm guessing you are the people I have to talk too? The consul?"

"Please leave!" One older woman snapped. "We only see people who need to be punished and or reincarnated!" Another said harshly.

Consul members decide who should serve punishment either in Hell or heaven depending on what they did, and they also are responsible for reincarnation. They also figure out each Angel's soul mate, Demons don't have soul mates. Older people die quicker so they give them a nice life after they pass again here. "Does hell have their own consul?"

"Yes. NOW LEAVE!" A man said. Lucy was astound, they would talk to their queen in that manner? Did they not know?

"I will have to ask of you to not speak to me in that manner." Lucy said. Not only was she a Queen she was a human-half angel- and no one should be treated so poorly. Natsu walked up to her and held her shoulder. His tail wrapped around her wrist to get her attention, almost as if saying to behave herself. The members gasped.

"A royal Devil?!" One said. "In Heaven?!"

Lucy showed her tail. Natsu's tail was scaly like a dragons tail, but hers was white, smooth, and slender. It still startled her, her tail worked as another part of her, which it was. She barley had to think to move it, like with her fingers.

"Wait, she has a tail." Some said. Some of them adjusted her glasses but most gasp. "She's the Queen!"

"Yes I am," she crossed her arms, "And I might not understand everything, but deserve respect!"

"Yes my Queen." They all said in unison. Some rejoiced, "Our next Queen has come!"

"To make more sure." One cleared their throats, "Let's see some of that fantastic royal power."

Lucy looked down at her hands, Natsu's tail still wrapped around her wrist. "I...I don't know how." Lucy said quietly. "I'm apologize ladies and gentlemen but she found out about her royal blood not longer then a week ago." Natsu said.

The consul member nodded, "So that means she got her tail today."

"Yes ma'am." Natsu said. "But I can help her and by tomorrow she'll amaze you all with her new found abilities, and on the day of our wedding, her wings!"

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