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"Are you hiring?" I ask a woman with a name tag that says her name and her position, manager. She shook her head, "No, I'm sorry" She walked away, I thanked her quietly and left the store. 

I've tried about thirty different stores, I tried various of restaurants, clothing shops, cosmetics, gaming, and even a job to swing around a sign. But I haven't even had an interview, its almost as if they could tell I'm not 'right' for them with just an eye scan.

'I tried all the stores in this stupid plaza!' I unconsciously kick a small trash bin that was near a food truck, I look to my side to see two kids judging me. "Go away! Go back to your mommy!" I shouted at them, they screamed and ran. 'Whatever'

I continued to walk until I near a run down store and immediately knew where I was, the 'death' area. This place was the downtown area and people have given its name because of the continues mystery cases that occur here. The first instance being a woman who took her children here, they were missing for a week until one of her kids were found in front of a sign, someone took her to a hospital and found out that she was sexual assaulted, when asked what happened to her siblings or mother she kept describing this skinless monster, therapist have said it was due to a disorder called 'acute stress reaction', poor girl.

Many people said that she saw a horrifying monster and was lucky to escape, of course she was lucky but I don't believe it was a real monster, maybe the little girl saw what a horrible person did to her family and made this image of a monster in her mind, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. But after that incident more and more crimes happens here.

People are such hypocrites, they say that the area is dangerous and that no one should ever step foot there, but many of those people still go because of the cheap products. How stupid. Humans are insufferable, the only people I am actually fond of are my friends, nobody else should be trusted.

The many deaths and disappearances make people not want to stay there for no longer then an hour and that's the max. Finding a job here should be easy and fast. 

I keep walking and walking ignoring all the high school teens that are video taping the stores to see if they could spot ghost, and paranoid people who scream when a cat runs by. The more I walk the more deeper I get, and the more deeper you go the less people, hopefully I get a job at a store many people like, whats the point of getting a job at a place where no body goes?

I look around until I spot a nice and clean store, which seems promising. As I walk closer I see a red sign that says in bold words 'Now Hiring'. I open the door, the store on the outside looks small and quaint, but on the inside is large and spacious. I look around from where I am and see a man with pale skin and raven hair, he seemed to be moving boxes.

"Hello?" I called out. He turned around with an eyebrow raised. He looked young and almost my age.

"What can I do for you?" He asked, he had an attractive face and beautiful dark blue eyes. I secretly checked him out as I talked. "I'm in need of  job, I saw the sign out in front and wondered if I could have it?" Wow, good choice of words.

The man looked confused, "Why?" I chuckled. "Because I need money"

The man chuckled at my response, "No, I mean why would you pick this area to find a job?" I shrugged. "Because I don't care about the 'monster' accusations. I know how I defend myself." That's a lie, I don't, but I do know how to use pepper spray.

He nodded accepting my response, he waved at me to follow him to the back. I'm guessing that's where the office is.

In the office there was a large table, two chairs in front of the table, and a large black chair behind it. "Take seat, I will not be conducting the interview, my manager will" he rolled his eyes as he mentioned his manager, I'm guessing some workplace rivalry, I'm totally okay with it because who doesn't like a little drama when it doesn't involve you. 

I take a seat on one of the two velvet red chairs, waiting for the manager. I wonder if he or she will be as friendly as that employee was. I wait for about twenty minutes, by now I would be playing some stupid addicting game on my phone, but just in case anyone walks in and sees me I won't, I don't want to be seen as unprofessional.

I look down at the chair I was sitting on, "I love the color of this chair." I awed.  I tapped on the sides of the chair I'm on and hummed trying to entertain myself. 

"Welcome" I heard a voice say, my head shot up to where the voice was coming from. The voice sounded a little more lighter then the other guy's voice, more welcoming. 

"I hear you're here for the job?" he asked as he took a seat. His tan skin was covered in scars, his salmon colored hair looked so soft, "Yes I am, Lucy Heartfilia" I straighten my back, "And I will like to be apart of this fine establishment" 

He chuckled, "Its been awhile since someone called this place a 'fine establishment'." I giggled trying to seem apart of the conversation and into the joke. "Excuse me, but are there any other co workers?" I  asked, despite having seen the other man.

"Yes, but most of them are childhood friends of mine" he grinned. "Been working here since we were five"

"Five? Seems a bit young" I said surprised, "Yeah, but its what Gramps wanted" he chuckled. "But don't worry you'll get along fine"

I nodded, "that's reassuring" 

"Let's continue this interview shall we"


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