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"What are we going to do?"

"Take her as a meal duh! She knows now, no point in keeping her alive anymore"

"How do you supposed we do that?! We tried everything!"

"Just send her to him and get him to eat her! Even if she's 'special' he can still eat her!"

"Mira, your sister is right, we can't just let her live when she knows"

Erza, Mira, and Lisanna; the voices I could hear talking and arguing. But what they are arguing is confusing. "Help" I muttered softly. "Please." I tried removing the blindfold that rest on my face, but I feel a rope hold my arms to the wooden chair I was sitting on. "W-what in the hell is going on!" I shout as I tried thrashing around but my feet are tied to the legs of the chair.

"Lucy, calm down please," I hear Mira say, "We need you to cooperate okay?" I felt a hand touch my cheek, the hand left and I felt it untying the blind on my face. Everyone was here, there was a mirror in front of me so I was able to see me and behind me.

In front of me was Mira who looked very concerned, Lisanna to her right staring daggers at me and Erza who stood in front of the door with her arms crossed. Behind me was Cana who was drinking out of a brown bottle, barley any liquid in it. Gray was leaning against the dirty wall and Juvia was sitting on the floor with an arm resting on a propped up knee. Everyone but Natsu was here.

"What is going on?" I said with a tear falling down my face, "Can anyone explain!" I shouted as I move around violently again. Mira tried to calm me down. I heard Gray sigh heavily.

"We are in trouble because of you." He said, he stuffed his hands into his pockets as he walk towards me, Mira moved aside as Gray stood in front of me. "Now we are stuck in this room with no way to escape, the only person allowed in or out is Natsu until further notice"

"What?" I asked still confused. He sighed again and stared into my eyes. "Those two dumbass girls over there," he tilted his head to Mira and Lisanna who looked away in regret, "didn't know you were listening to their conversation, and now you know things you aren't supposed to"

"No I don't I swear! I have no idea what they were saying at all!" I tried to reason but he shook his head, "That's what we said, but he didn't want to hear it and still is counting us guilty. We were told to kill you"

My eyes widen, "Wait! No! Please don't kill me!" He tighten his fist and looked at me with a deadly glare, "SHUT UP!" I did as told and stayed silent, "We were supposed to kill you but we couldn't"

"You can't die because you have royal blood in you" Juvia spoke up, Gray nodded backing away from me. "You are immune to all of our powers and now we have to figure out what to do with you"

Royal blood? What are they even talking about? I am just an ordinary girl who has no clue in what the hell is going on.

"Juvia has the power Weather, she can control the weather, her strongest rain. She tried drowning you and striking you with lightening, but nothing happened" Gray explained as Juvia nodded and pulled out a cigar from Gray's jacket pocket and lit it up.

"Then Mira and Lisanna tried, Mira can control anyone with her beauty, she got you to walk to the edge but when she ordered you to jump off the cliff...NOTHING HAPPENED! Lisanna has Transformation and turned into a lion and tried eating you, but she said you were hot to the touch" Gray seem frustrated looking down at his hands.

"I tried to suffocate you in my ice but it melted away. Natsu tried to engulf you in flames but you produced wind out of your fucking body and blew them all away. Even Erza tried to slice your body in half seeing as how her power is to summon any weapon out of thin air, but it went through your body as if you were transparent."

He held my shoulders tightly, "You are immune to every fucking thing we tried! And since you are royalty you are going to talk to the devil himself"

"Wait what?" Talk to the devil himself. "If you haven't noticed yet, we are demons princess" he spat out. I couldn't properly think, all of this is so sudden, too sudden for me to process.

"Queen" Corrected Erza, "Her mother and father died making her the heir to the thrown"

The door opened and revealed Natsu, he had an angry look on his face. Flames came out of his body and engulfed me, the chair turned to ashed and the roped burned away but I was fine, he grabbed my wrist making me follow him.

He let go of my wrist making me fall. Gray picked me up and pushed me to walk, over the course of everything I haven't really spoken to Natsu that much, maybe if the devil doesn't kill me I could possibly live to tell Natsu how I was willing to talk to him more. But now doesn't seem like the time as I am possibly walking towards my death.

"You know Natsu, since Lucy is royalty, you might have to marry her" Cana said. There was silence between everyone as they walked. I swear I could feel his smirk.


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