五 the aqua garden

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"Tropical, isn't it," you murmured to yourself. You saw a pool, slides, and places to relax in the shade. There were also trees all around the place and you thought you saw an alligator at one point, but thought you were just going crazy.

There was no way you saw an alligator.

You had on racerback swimsuit while you wore the bottoms under some water shorts. You saw Tamaki going to go somewhere, so you followed him to be led to the girls changing room. Haruhi just came out in a cute pink two piece with ruffles in the front of the top. Tamaki tried to give her a hoodie to wear, but he was startled when you suddenly said, "wow, you look really good."

"You think so? Thanks," she told you. "You look good, too, senpai."

Tamaki's face was beat read, meaning he was probably thinking about something perverted. You called him a pervert and he was quick to defend himself, meaning you were very much right.

"Take it," he put the hoodie in her face while he looked away bashfully. "A lady shouldn't expose that much skin until she's married."

You didn't peg Haruhi as the type to expose her stomach, but it was just you and the host club, so it didn't really matter. She really did look cute though... you felt your face heating up.

"It's kinda hot for that, don't you think Tamaki-senpai?" She lightly pushed the hoodie away. "And marriage shouldn't justify what I choose to do."

"Yes, but with a husb-"

"Don't need one." She walked past him and he whimpered. You snickered and went out to where the rest of the guys were, Hikaru and Kaoru going on the slide to see who reaches to the bottom first. Of course they went on the slide after they complimented her swimsuit along with the rest of them.

"Wanna have a race, (f/n)," Kaoru asked you. You didn't even have to think twice about nodding. You ran to the top of the slide with them, four holes being present side to side.

The three of you lined up with you in between the twins. On the count of three you all went down at the same time, but you made sure to cross your arms and legs for more speed. It worked and you hit the water first.

You lifted your head out f the water and looked to them to see who won.

"(f/n), then Kaoru, then Hikaru," Haruhi announced.

"Dead last?" Hikaru got out of the water with a competitive stare. Kaoru had the same stare, but they were looking at you instead of each other and it frightened you.

"W-wait a minute..." You started to back up.

"(f/n)-chan, take this!" Hani-senpai threw a water gun your way and you caught it with ease. It was also fully loaded, meaning it was go time.

You smirked. "Thanks, senpai! Die you devilish fiends!" You sprayed water in their faces and they got guns from absolutely no where and attacked you with it as you did to them. You were left defenseless in a bloody battlefield and you needed help. You gasped and turned to Tamaki calling out to him saying, "Tamaki! Help, please! They don't have a king on there team, but I have one on mine we're such to wi-"

"ON IT!" He shouted with a gun, filling it up and spraying them.

You found it funny that all you had to do was call him a king.

"Sideways SHOT!" He was flying from the side as he attacked them, but then he slipped on a banana peel and hit straight into a tiki totem pole. He hit it really hard.

"Hey, what's that sound," you asked them as you heard the sound of rushing water, only to see Hani-senpai get whisked away by the wave pool in a massive waves going to the right. Mori tried to save him, but he slipped on a banana peel.

What's up with the banana peels?

"MEN + ladies, it is our duty to save Hani-senpai," Tamaki shouted with his finger in the air. "Commence!" In many directions they tried to go, alligators everywhere.

"Those things are real?" You jumped up. "I thought I was going crazy!"

"You saw one earlier, (f/n)?" Kyoya turned to you as he wrote in his black book.

"Y-Yeah, but I thought I was going crazy..." You scratched your hair with uneasiness, suddenly getting the idea to cut as you saw its length.

You all walked over to the map to figure out where he went.

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