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With exams over you were now able to relax comfortably at the beach with the host club. However, you could hardly focus with that princess on your mind and the way she reminded you of someone else.
Kyoya informed you that the princess of the Rochelle Kingdom isn't enrolled into Ouran Academy, yet she had on the same yellow dress and bean shoes the female students wear. Where did she get the uniform from? She blended in like a regular student.
You decided to not think of it any further, starting to head to the host club since practice didn't start back up until Monday.
You were sports free for the weekend.
"Ano... (l/n)-san!"
After hearing your name you turned around and saw who was calling for you. A small girl in the regular uniform had on a red face with a letter in her hands. She seemed fidgety and nervous, looking down after trying to gather her words and say them.
"Please accept this!" She shoved the letter in your hand and then scrambled off. You stared at it then back at her retreating form, smiling a bit while heading to the third music room.
You got the room and opened the door, hearing all seven of them saying, "welcome."
"Oh, it's just (f/n)," Hikaru and Kaoru deadpanned.
You sweatdropped. "What the hell is that suppose to mean..?
They shrugged.
"Mind if I hang in here while you host away?"
"Well, not at all, my dear (f/n)!" Tamaki wrapped an arm around your shoulder and outstretched his arm and brought it from left to right, making an invisible rainbow. "In fact, you can shadow my hosting skills, so one day you, too can make young ladies happy!"
You looked at the letter in your hand.
"What's this? A love letter for someone?"
"No, I actually received it from someone in our class," you told him.
"I don't think (f/n)-senpai needs your skills to make girls happy," Haruhi intervened. "If you ask me... she already makes others happy just by being herself."
You felt your ears heating up.
"Well, don't you pay attention to (f/n)," Hikaru remarked.
Haruhi rolled her eyes. "I was just saying..." You noticed her glance off to the side, a small tint in her cheeks.
The host club came to an end and after the customers had left, the guys were picking out swimsuits for Haruhi from Hikaru and Kaoru's mother's collection. They brought out various amounts of swimsuits to cover up her lack in feminine physique, but you thought Haruhi was perfect the way she was.
Haruhi on the other hand couldn't stop thinking about her chest area and how flat it was.
"I guess I never realized," she murmured.
It wasn't like her to care about her physical appearance like she was now.
You pulled out the note from earlier and went to the side while everyone was distracted.
The envelope with pink with a heart sticker keeping it shut tight. The paper in the envelope was pretty paper with designs all over in elegant handwriting.
(l/n)-san, I'm Kikomi Ashido. I've been watching you for so long and I apologize if it comes off as creepy. I've always thought of you as a kind person and just seeing you everyday makes me happy. My heart always melts whenever we speak, and your smile is always uplifting. However, I will admit I feel like an abomination for having these feelings towards someone of the same sex. I also further apologize if you're attracted to males and I made an assumption. If you consider my feelings, could you meet me Monday after your practice is finished? I'll wait half an hour on the roof. Sincerely, Kikomi.
"Hm..." You grunted to yourself.
♡ ♡ ♡
I'm on thanksgiving break, meaning I'll being catching up on my anime and writing more chapters of this book.
I want to make another book, but my idea keeps changing and I'm really indecisive. If I do, it would a book that blends ouran high school host club with kuroko no basuke.
I just like the ohshc x knb idea.
Anyhoo, have fun and be safe out there on your holiday break. If you still have school for half the week, I'll pray for you <3