Chapter 1

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Olivia came home from school and said "Mom I'm home." as she went into the kitchen. She started to make herself a snack and said "Mom?' 

She went upstairs and said " where are you?' 

She went into her mom's room and saw that her mom had not even moved from the spot she left her in when she went to school that morning. " wake up." she said as she walked over to the bed "Mom you have been in bed all day wake up." she said

She felt her mom's wrist like she taught her a long time ago and she gasped and said "Oh god..she's gone." 

She called 911 immediately and they came and got her and she followed them to the hospital and then she called her brother Steve. 

"Steve?" she said through tears.

"Liv what's wrong you are crying?' Steve said in his college dorm with his friends as they were studying. They all looked up and he said "Liv slow down and now what's wrong with mom?'

He swallowed hard and said "Ok ok I'll be there as soon as I can Olivia just breathe ok I'm going to get on a plane ok just little sis I"m sorry you have to do this again." 

He hung up the phone and said "I have to go back to Brooklyn." as he started to frantically pack and Nat said "Steve what's wrong." 

"Mom mom is gone Olivia found her dead in her bed. She's a mess I have to get to my sister." he said. Everyone stood up and Sam said "We are going with Steve we won't let you go back alone."

"Yeah man she was like our mom too." Bucky said

They all started to pack their stuff and loaded up and got plane tickets. Steve didn't tell anyone that he wasn't planning on coming back to LA he wasn't going to leave his little sister alone. The only person that knew that was Nat and she had their stuff shipped to Brooklyn to her mom's address. 

They all boarded their flight and went home to Brooklyn. Olivia was sitting on her couch with a pair of leggings and a slouchy sweater that was falling off on one side and her blonde hair falling out of a braid. She couldn't sleep she just sat there in the dark as she was drinking a beer and her brother walked in and he said "Olivia Juniper what are you doing drinking a beer." 

She ran to him and hugged him and he said "Shh..I'm here." 

Nat came in and placed her hand on her back and started to rub her back. The rest of the crew came in and Steve said "Olivia I need you to tell me what happened? What did the doctor's say?'

"Um so I um I got up I came in the room I thought she was asleep Steve so I just say goodbye and left. When I got home from school she wasn't sitting down here watching her soaps like she does and it was like dad all over again I mean I walked upstairs and there she was laying in bed just like dad and she hadn't even moved from that spot so she was dead when I left this morning and I was in such a rush cause I was already late that I didn't even notice." she said as she started to fall apart again. 

"Ok Olivia it's ok you can't blame yourself for not noticing. Now what did the doctor say." 

"She had a massive heart attack in her sleep." she said 

"Ok well I've already contacted the funeral home and got all that taken care of Liv please tell me what the hell happened to my little sister when did you get a tattoo and start drinking." 

"Oh um I got this for juniper flower for my 16th birthday dad let me get it he signed the paper for me to get it and I got several more. Um I have this." she said as she held up her fake ID. 

"Olivia Juniper Rogers." Steve said

"Oh don't Steve.. you haven't been around in almost 3 or 4 years or however long its' been." she said 

"Whoa that's not the Olivia I remember" Sam said 

"No it's not." Wanda said 

Olivia went into the kitchen and got another beer and Steve came in and took from her and dumped it. "What the hell does mom know about this fake ID Liv?'

"Well she does know wherever she is." she said 

"Liv what happened to you?" Nat said 

"Oh don't act like the big sister now Nat..I asked my brother to come home not all of you cause you all were nothing but hateful to me just cause I was the little sister especially Barnes." she said 

Bucky looked down and remembered how mean he was to her and Olivia said "So I'm glad you all came to be here for my brother." as she ran out of the kitchen and up to her room. 

"You all go home..let your parents know about the funeral it's tomorrow and um give me sometime to talk to my sister. This isn't like Olivia and mom kept pretty quiet about Olivia after dad passed." he said 

Nat hugged him and said "I love you call me if you need me ok." 

"Yeah love you too." he said.

He walked upstairs to his sister's room and walked in to find her cheer and dance trophies gone and he said "Olivia you aren't cheering anymore." 

"Nope." she said 

"I wish you would tell me what happened to you." he said 

"Steve..I just need you here with me ok I just need my big brother here are you staying after the funeral or are you going back to LA?' she said

"I'm staying here and so is Nat. Everyone else is going back to LA after the funeral they just wanted to be here for us Liv you didn't have to bite their heads off like you did that's not like you Olivia." he said 

She looked down and said "I'm sorry I yelled at your friends." 

"The girls are your friends you use to cheer with them." Steve said

"Steve I'm 5 years younger than you I cheered with them in elementary school that was the only time I did." she said 

"Ok..well you need to get some rest cause I know you haven't slept I'm going take care of everything ok." he said 

"ok." she said 

She laid down and fell asleep. Steve started to clean the house and he walked into his parents room and he started to clean their room and cried when he seen the picture sitting on his mom's nightstand it was a picture of him and Olivia before he left for college at his birthday. He finished cleaning and made her dinner and started some laundry before he got her up. 

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