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Will and Jay's POV: "You think what?!" Jay asked surprised. "I think she got poisoned. She was showing all the symptoms. I think she ate something.." Will answered. "I'll ask her about it later." Jay was confused. "Okay, dude just. whatever..." He said. "Look I gotta go." Will sighed and said, "okay fine.." then hung up. Will went back to the room Andra was in and she was awake, just sitting there staring at the wall. Will knocked on the door. "Hey there!" He said. She looked over at him. "Oh uh....hi..." She said. Will came over and sat down. "I think I know why you're sick." He said. "You do?" Andra asked surprised. Will nodded. "I do..but I need to talk to you about it to make sure."

Over at the district, Jay and the rest of the intelligence unit were sitting around waiting because they heard that Hank had some news. After 5 minutes he came in with another person. He had blonde hair and looked about 20-30 years old. "Everyone.." he started. "This is Jake Carter. He just graduated from the academy and today is his first day." Everyone smiled and said hi. Hank called Jay over to where he was standing. "Jay, Jake will be your new partner." He said. "Sweet." Is what he said as a reply. After that Hank nodded and walked away. Jay held out his hand. "I'm Jay..Jay Halstead. Nice to meet you." He shook hands with Jake. "Nice to meet you too," Jake replied. They walked over to one of the desks and sat down. "We don't have anything to do right now so basically we just wait around," Jay said. Kim walked over to them. "Jay and Jake. I like it." She laughed. Jay smiled, then got a call. It was from Will. "Will what's up?" He said. "I'm on my way there right now! There's something I need to tell you! Tell the team to get ready... I think this might turn into a case." Will replied. "Alright then," Jay said before he hung up. Then he stood up. "Okay, everyone." He announced. "Will is coming over here and he claims he has something big to tell us." Everyone nodded but Jake. He looked confused. "Oh!" Jay said. "Jake, Will is my brother. He's an emergency medicine doctor at the Gaffney Chicago Medical Center." Jake nodded, then Will walked in. "I heard you talking about me." He said. Jay came over to him. "I was telling my partner about you.." he said. Will walked up to the front of the room. "Okay." He started. "So at the hospital, this girl who's my patient turned out to be me and Jay's sister. She's only 15 and somehow we didn't know about her. Then earlier today, she ended up having an internal bleed In her stomach. And I thought that she was poisoned. So I went up and talked to her and now this looks like something really big." He said.

"What is it?" Jay asked. "So on Monday, I went to her class and told them about what I do for my job, and she told me that when she got home that day and told her mom that I and she have the same last name, she got worried and called her dad," Will said. "Then the next day, there was a guy with a gun in the school, you all probably already know that, but then that day after she found out that she and Jay have the same last name, she told her mom and she did the same thing as the day before." Jay was confused. "So what exactly is your point?" He asked. "Well, the day after that, she got sick when she ate her lunch and ended up at Med," Will said. "I think she got poisoned by her mom." Everyone nodded. Jay walked up to the big whiteboard at the front and wrote on the top in big cursive letters: Andra Mari Halstead: food poisoning
"Alright." He said. "Let's crack this case."

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