The Truth

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Jay's POV: "Oh my god, Andra, they said she fainted at school and they're not letting me see her.  is she okay?" She asked worriedly.  Jay pointed towards the couch and they both walked in and sat down.  "Well first off, Andra is okay.  She had an internal bleed in her stomach but she's fine now, and she told us how you were acting strange when she told you that Will and I went to her school." He said.  "Can you tell me why you were acting like that?" Layla sighed. "Look," she said. "This might come as a shock to you, but you and Will were adopted."  Jay shook his head. "What?" he asked.  "After WIll was born we decided to take him to an adoption center.  I and my husband, Dan just weren't ready for kids.  Then we did the same when you were born.  I don't know why but we just kept Andra." Layla said, feeling sorry.  Jay was shocked.  "Are you the one who packed her lunch on Wednesday? " he asked, his voice shaking. Layla started looking worried. "Yeah..why.." She asked.  "Well, her doctor seems to believe that she was poisoned. " Jay said.  "Is that true?" Layla trailed off, not sure what to say.  "Uh...erm..well.." Jay shook his head. "look" he said.  "We're just trying to help your daughter.  so please tell us the truth." Layla sighed.  "Okay fine, I did,"  she said.  "I just didn't want her to find out that you and Will are her brothers." Jay nodded. "Okay well, I'm gonna have to take you into custody for attempting to kill a child." Layla solemnly nodded and stood up. Jay put her in cuffs and took her to the station.

Later, he decided to go see Andra and tell Will about his discovery.  When he found Will, he walked up to him and pushed him into an empty treatment room.  "Hey bro what's up?" Will asked.  "Okay." Jay started.  "I went and interviewed Andra's mom and um...well...her mom is our birth mother...." Will was confused. "Wait..what...are you talking about?" he asked.  "Okay let me explain.  So Andra, me, and you are all siblings.  and we wanted to figure out our problem.  So I went and interviewed her mom, and found out that her mom, is out birth mother.  After you were born, she put you up for adoption.  Then when I was born, she put me for adoption.  But when Andra was born, she kept her, and after she found out that Andra met us, she didn't want her to find out that we were her brothers so she tried to kill her. " Jay said.  Will paused for a moment. "So...we've been lied to our whole lives..." he said softly. Jay shook his head. "Apparently so,"   he replied.  Will sighed.  "Well, what are we gonna do with Andra?" he asked. "Clearly she can't go back with her mom." Jay shook his head. "Well..after she's discharged I guess she could live with one of us?" He said.  "I guess so," Will replied.  Just then, his pager buzzed. "Alright I gotta go," he said.  Jay nodded and watched as he walked out, and away.   

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