How it all happened

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Jay's POV: later that day Jay went to the hospital to ask Andra some questions.  When he got there, one of the nurses took him to her room and he walked in.  "Hey there!" he said.  Andra looked over at him and smiled a weak smile.  "Oh...hi," she said quietly.  Jay pulled up a chair and sat down next to her.  "Will told me what you told him." Jay started.  "He thinks you were poisoned.  Can you tell me what happened when you got home on the day he came to your school?" Andra looked at him and nodded.  "Well... when I got home, I told my mom that this doctor came to our school and he had the same last name as me." Jay nodded. "Then what did she do?" he asked.  "Then she started looking worried and she told me that she had to go call someone.." Andra continued.  Jay nodded as she talked, and he took notes. "She got up and went into a room and closed the door, and I stood outside and listened. S-she was talking to my dad... she said that she h-hopes I don't find out..." Andra started crying as she spoke. "About what?" Jay asked. Andra shook her head, with tears running down her cheeks. "I d-d-don't know!" Jay hugged her. "Hey, we're gonna find out who did this and why alright? trust me.  I love you, your my sister and I would do anything to protect you." he said. Andra nodded and Jay walked out, to find Will standing right there.  "What did she tell you?" he asked.  Jay shook his head. "I don't know man, she told me that her mom made a call to her dad and told him that she hopes Andra doesn't find out." Will nodded. "Okay.. keep me updated." he hugged Jay and walked into Andras room.

When Jay got back to the precinct, he told the team what she said, and they decided to track down her mom and ask her some questions.  After half an hour of searching, They found her phone number. "Layla Halstead. lives 20 minutes south of the school," said Jake.   "Great job," said Jay. "Let's go."  within 10 minutes they got to her house. they walked up to the front door.  Jay knocked on the door.  "Chicago P.D open up!" he shouted. A middle-aged woman opened the door.  "What do you want?" she asked.  "I'm Jay Halstead and I'm a part of the Chicago Police Department.  I would like to ask you some questions about your daughter, Andra,"  he said.      

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