Chapter 4: 1st Mission with the Guardian

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After seeing the sun rise from the horizon.. I started to pack up.. I rub my exo eyes... "hm..I'll get the sleep later.." i said to myself as i got off the roof, I slowly climb down the Church as i landed on my two feet.. I started to walk to my small little camp as i grab my bookbag.. "A nice egg sandwich sounds nice" I said as i smiled. "Like how dad makes them" I continued as i started to walk back to the far without any fallen following me.

I pass through the woods and into the safe zone of the Farm. I see The guardian and the Ghost as it seems they are talking to Hawthorne, "Hey, Howzitgoin' Im back from my patrol" I said to Hawthorn "Ah! Good job.. you deserve the sleep.. You can rest up if you want" Hawthorn said "Nah i need to take there two too the Traveler Shard.. " I said as i reloaded The Ruby of 6. I spin it around my Hand like my father but the opposite, as the gun reloaded itself.

"You should get new gear.. theirs some gear in my room of ya want it, Or you can go to Hawthorne and get some stuff most likely a gun.. " I said to the both of them "Were leavin' In 10 get ready.." I said as i walk away from all three of them "She seems happy" Hawthorne said.. "Happy...a little bit rushy?" The ghost said "Nah, i could tell.. She's Rushy because she put down her first chest. I could see it in her eyes" She replied back to the Ghost. "Ah.. i see, We need to find Cayde and the rest of the Vanguard.. and fast, Come on Guardian lets get ready"

-10 minutes later-

I was looking at my gun and the number 6.."What if dad gets reboot....should i change it to 7?...or keep it 6.. -sigh- the time will be right when the time comes" I mumbled to myself as i hear the Guardian approaching. "Ah, wow look at you. New gear i see? hehe.. Anyway lets get goin' this was my ship but hey, You can Borrow it," I said on the top of this ship their was a big red ruby and the number 6 painted in white in the middle.. around their was golden Leaves like on my gun, the next color was a Grey at the front of the ship as it fade into yellow at the back of the ship. "Like my art skills.. i had a lot of time to do this.." I said "It's Amazing.. it's the same design for your gun" The ghost said "Yup," i said az i hop on the ship "Lets go!" I shouted. The Guardian and Ghost entered the ship "You know how to drive this right...?" The ghost ask "Yeah.. Why would i drive this thing if i didn't know i would die...permanently?" I said The guardian shurg "Hit it" The ghost said

"On it!" I said happily I pressed a whole bunch of buttons as i raise the handle on the right side. We slolwy started to lift off into the sky.. I press the joy stick as we move fast, Passing the trees, and beyond the broken bridge/Dam i did a loopty loop I see the Guardian holding onto the seat wall for dear life. "Hahaha!" i laugh.. i drove fast as i past Trost land and the Entrance of the the forest.. I park on the ground againt the wall from the right side of the entrance as we all exit the ship "Im never going to be in a ship with you driving" The ghost said.. "Ah fine by me.. dont blow a bulb alright?"

(I feel like im confusing the travler shard from getting your super and the one from getting the light both of them are going to take place at the forest even if they already are...gah my memory ;-; )

"Guns up Guardian.. i been through here for patrol.. lets say i lost my exo hand.." I said said.. The guardian nodded The Ghost disappeared into The air, as we both eneter the cave.. After killing some more Fallen, A portal opened.. it was a rocky area, But there was Some type of light making a figure...or a memory of Zavala.. "We are the holders of the light.. Use it for good! Pass your limits! We are Guradians to Protect people!" The light figure if Zavala said.. "I dont remember him saying this.." i said.. Ikroa was the next figure of light.. "Even if... Even if we are down. That doesn't change the fact that we are Guradians.. We will regain Eveything! We will protect the ones we love because thats what the Traveler Built us to do!" Ikora said as she smiled... The Guardian and I kept on walking, I see My dad "Dad!--" I shout out but only half way.. It was a light figure of him.. "Your...not really here.." i mumbbled. "That doesn't matter!" The light figure of him said "All that matters if you keep trying! And fight hard.. Then Anything could happen! You could do it.. i know you can.. ..They would be Loot!" The light figure said.. "Heh...sounds like your actually talking to me dad..." I said "Lets keep movin' The shard is beyond this portal." i continued The Guardian noddes their head as The two of us jump through.

There was Fallen eveywhere.. A Captain launch their rocket bullets from its gun as i dodge out of the way The guardian did the same. "Okay lets clear them out..and we will get to the shard.." I sais the Guardian nodded as the both of us clear the drag out .. I had a stab wound on my back from a drag but i was okay. The ghost came out "I....i havnt been this clsos to the Travler in in... Eyes up Guardian... and hold on to your helmet!" The Ghost had light all over him.. the Guardian rise to their feet and was coverd in light.. "Guardian we have our light back.! We are back!" The ghost said.. i smiled at the two, "lets get outta here--" i got cut off from a gunshot.. I look down to see my clothing underneath my arrmor getting soak with my blood..-cough- I felt some blood drip from my mouth.. "not...yet" i stomp my foot on the i press pressure againt my stomach..

The guardian held their fist tightly.. They used walk in the light.. as they activate their super.. Electricity surrounded them as they had a Bo staff. They killed A much larger size then a Captain...what were they.. "The travler shard glow a bit... i walk towards the shard..i fell om the ground.. Fallen are being killed left and right... i slolwy crawl towards the travler shard as i lean against it. Light surrounded me.. I felt this raw power in me.. But i was still bleeding to death..."I have....light?" i mubble .. My vision was getting dizzy as the corner of my Robotic eyes was pitch black, The guardian ran over to me.. and pick me up "Lets go!" The ghost yelled as He teleported us out of the area, and to the entrance.

"Guys..?" i said.. 'I will not tell them i have light' i thought. "Yes we are here. and we are going to get you some help" The ghost said.. The Ghost teleported us inside the ship as the Guardian place me gently on the couch, "I havnt use this type of ship in ...a while" The ghost said "Press button top left...and the three below it.." I said thr Guardian followed what i said.. "turn lever 180° a push it forward.." i said.. as i sat up.. slightly. The guardian did so.. the ship was powering up, "Pull lever beside your leg on yiut left side...then the joystick is normal for any space ship..." I said The guardian followed what i said, as we lunach up the air and going back to the farm.

Once we got to the farm the Guardian was holding me and They rush out into the Building. Hawthron took (Y/n) and went inside.. Shaxx clear the table of all his armmor as it clashed onto the floor... Hawthorne set me down on the floor as she took off my arrmor "MEDIC!" Shaxx's yelled..

The Guardian stood their look at the ground...blood was on their gear.. The ghost look sad as well... "E...eyes up g-Guradian..." i i look at them with half open eyes....the medics startes to do all they could with me... My robotic yellow and blue eyes Flickerd .. breathing heavily.. I held on to Shaxx's hand.. "Not yet.... i still havnt went treasure hunting with dad..." i said ... "w...we promised..." i said sobbing a bit.. A fever started to settle in. "S..shaxx...will i be okay?" I ask him..

"You' fine, Your a warrior! Keep fighting alright? Insnt it what Cayde.. your father wanted?" He said

"Y...yeah.." i said as i close my eyes.. sleeping soundly but with some short rappid breaths..

"She'll be fine Guardian.. You did a amazing job" Shaxx's Said as he patted the Guardian's Shoulder.

No. This will not be the end. Not yet, Not yet.

Not Yet.

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