Chapter Four

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When Leah and Jacey got back to the house, she was horrified to find Dad and Julian had organized a search party consisting of nearly all the neighbors within a five mile radius.
She had to face the embarrassment of apologizing to everyone and explaining what had happened.

What's worse is one of those neighbors happened to be the cute guy from Physics class. He stood next to a man just slightly taller than himself, probably his father. As everyone began to leave while a few lingered to socialize with Julian and Dad, the guy caught Leah's gaze, then approached her. She backed up a tiny step, her heart beginning to throb. Stay calm. Don't act like an idiot.


"Hey." She cringed at the awkwardness.

"Um, I'm Jeremy Eckart." He gave a tentative grin. "You sat next to me in Physics this morning--"

"I know." She casually rubbed her arms. "I looked right at you."

"Yeah, " he chuckled, running a hand over his hair. "Anyway, glad you and your brother are okay. Gave your parents a real scare."

She shrugged. "Yeah, well. It wasn't on purpose so, hopefully they get over it."

"Y'know I looked for you during lunch and after school, but you just-" he waved his hands like a magician, "disappeared."

"It was intentional." Leah wished Jacey would come get her, but her brother had escaped inside and was probably going to hide in his room until the end of the century.

Jeremy tilted his head slightly. "So, were you avoiding Jade, or me?"

She noticed up close he had an adorable, light smattering of freckles across his nose. Damn you, hormones. "Jade. Didn't feel like having another . . . incident."

"That incident was awesome."

Leah raised an eyebrow. "I take it you two aren't close?"

"Heeeell no."

"Funny. I would have thought you two were a thing."

Jeremy shrugged. "We went out a few times junior year, but I never agreed to anything official. She just . . ."

"Claimed you?" Leah finished wryly.

"Yeah, pretty much." He shot her a grin that made her stomach flutter. "Seeing her taken down a few notches like that made my day. You got some serious balls."

"Yeah, well." Leah kicked absently at the pavement. "We'll see how the rest of the year goes. Something tells me Jade's not one to forgive and forget."

"Jeremy!" Jeremy's dad called, waving as he headed to the street where his truck was parked.

Jeremy gradually followed, still facing Leah. "I doubt she'd do anything serious, but yeah, I'd watch my back if I were you."

"Consider it watched."

Jeremy smiled, biting his lower lip. "Good. See you in class."

Leah blinked. Oh no. Stop that. Stop it . . . Damn! She turned abruptly and hurried into the house, face burning like a lit match thrown into kerosene.


"Alright, floor is all yours." Dad sat at the kitchen table, hands folded, waiting. Julian sat beside him, looking both concerned and tired.

Leah sighed, closing her eyes and pinching her nasal bridge with her thumb and pointer finger. "It happened exactly the way I told your search party. Jacey and I went to the park, some kids started picking on him, and Jacey ran off while I was dealing with them."

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