Chapter Seven

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Seconds were ticking by. She needed to make a decision quickly. "I'm actually throwing my own party next weekend." The words surprised her as much as it did the others.

Pulling off her sunglasses, Jade recovered quickly, giving a diresive chuckle. "You are throwing a party. For real."

What the heck did I just do . . . Leah met her contemptuous gaze steadily. "That's right. I mean, it's my first year here. Might help me meet some people."

Jade eyed her. The intensitiy level was severe. "If by 'party' you mean some chaperoned get-together at your house . . . pretty sure those two will be the only guests." She gestured at Jeremy and Tiara while her friends snickered.

Leah felt her eyes snap. "FYI, it's not at my house. It's . . . at a park." Oh god, what am I saying?! Stop talking! Just leave!

One of the girl's in the back seat giggled. "Awww, a park! So cute; reminds me of this birthday party I went to in second grade."

Everyone in the car hooted at that.
Leah smiled icily. "I doubt it took as much balls to attend as mine will."

Wtf?! Shut up!

At this, Jade's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Oh yeah? What kind of park is this party of yours going to be at?"

"One within walking distance of the Cynder Hall mansion." Nice. You are so dead.

The stunned silence was almost worth it, as well as the look of disbelief on Jade's face.

"Cynder Hall?" One of the girls echoed nervously. "As in, the Cynder Hall?"

"No freaking way," the guy in the car exlaimed, wide-eyed. "That's so lit!"

Jeremy pulled her back. "Are you insane?" he whispered.

Leah tugged away, acting far more calm than she was. "I've been there several times. Pretty sweet place, long as you're cool with cemeteries." She smiled sweetly. "Well, gotta run. Have fun at your party." With that, she turned and hurried toward the jeep. "Bye, Tiara! Coming, Jeremy?"

"What the hell are you thinking?" Jeremy demanded, sliding into the passenger seat beside her. "You can't throw a party near a mansion that's killed like, a hundred people!"



"Only thirty-two people died there," Leah recited wearily as they pulled out of the school parking lot. "Eight disappeared and nineteen suffered severe trauma or got injured."

Jeremy ran a hand through his hair, clearly distressed. "Jesus Christ, Leah. You could've said yes or no!"

Leah flicked on the turn signal at a stoplight. "She had me boxed in. I couldn't give a straight answer. Bluffing seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Wait so you're not actually going to throw a party?"

Leah turned onto the highway. "I don't know."

"What happens if word gets out and people actually go to the park? Jade will call you on this. You know that, right?"

Goddamnit. Leah's eyebrows furrowed. "I'll figure out something."

They were quiet for the remainder of the ride.

"Try not to do anything else crazy," he said with a half-grin as she dropped him off at his driveway.

"Later." Leah gave a small wave.

"Text me."

"Always do."

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