Chapter Ten

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It was dark, and the party had been in full swing for quite awhile. It seemed like the entire school had driven out for the fun. Someone, Leah didn't know who, had brought several cases of alcoholic beverages that seemed to be making its way around quickly.

At the moment there was some kind of soccer game going on with a glow-in-the dark pumpkin ball. Tiara was eating and talking with another group of kids. Everyone else was playing games, eating, talking, making out, and dancing to music.

The only person who had yet to make an appearance was Jade. What is she up to? Dozens of possibilities ran through Leah's head as she smiled vaguely and served barbequed hot dogs, bratwursts, and burgers under the pavilion. She was about to text Tiara and ask her to find out where Jade was when a shadow fell across the table.

"Burger, hot dog, or---" she looked up from her phone and froze like a deer in headlights. Shit. "Jeremy. Hi."

He stared at her for a long moment, hands in his pockets, then gave a brief shrug. "Why?"

She handed someone a burger on a paper plate. Oh boy. "Why am I going through with this or why didn't I tell you?"


Turning, Leah faced him squarely. "I am not afraid of Jade. She knows it, everyone at school knows it, and that makes me a threat. If she can find a way to break me, they'll be even more intimidated than before. And I refuse to be broken. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd try to talk me out of it."

Jeremy looked out at all the kids. "So you don't trust me."

Crap. Crap crap crap. "I trust that you would try to stop me."

"So you thought ignoring me for two damn days was the best way to go."

Uncomfortable, Leah looked away. "Guess I just got busy getting everything ready--"

"You didn't even text me!" he exploded, face tight with anger. "It takes two seconds to text 'I'm okay'! I've been freaking out of my mind worrying about you, and I find out from my buddy you're here at the party we both agreed you wouldn't throw!"

Drawn by his bellowing, everyone at the party turned to gawk and snigger at the two. Leah's face and neck blazed lava hot with embarrassment.

"I changed my mind," she stated with ice cold severety, "and I had my reasons for not including you. It's nothing personal."

"Nothing personal," he echoed with an incredulous chuckle, shaking his head. "Alright, cool." He shrugged. "Then don't bother picking me up Monday. And if I don't sit next to you, talk to you, text you, or stand up for you . . . it's nothing personal." He turned and strode away.

Wait, what? Where's he going? "What's that supposed to mean?" Leah demanded, both furious and feeling like her heart was being pulled out of her chest. Is he serious?

He spun around, arms spread wide in a cocky gesture as he continued walking backward. "Whatever we had going, I'm ending it!"

"There's nothing to end, asshole!" Leah snarled at his retreating figure. "We never started dating!"

He didn't respond, just turned around and walked back to his car. Those watching 'oooed' and heckled loudly, amused. "Almost as good as when he ditched Jade!" someone joked, igniting a smattering of laugher.

Oh. My. God. This can't be happening. Leah struggled to reign in her storm of emotions. She felt like going apeshit on the party, going after Jeremy to punch the crap out of him before crying for forgiveness, and running home to scream into her pillow never to leave the house again all at once.

She felt a hand on her arm. Tiara looked apologetic and worried. "You want me to drive you home?"

Somehow her gentle concern made Leah even more angry. "No. I'm fine."

"Hey Leah! When you goin' into the mansion?" someone shouted.

"Yeah! We came to see ya go in!" Someone else chimed in, followed by cheers of agreement from the rest of the party goers.

"I already went in!" Leah declared, pulling out the comb. "I got this out of one of the upper bedrooms!"

A chorus of boos rang through the air. "Doesn't coouuunt!" A girl sang loudly, stumbling while drunkenly waving a glowstick around her head. "Gotta have pics or video!"

Leah's stomach dropped as they advanced on her calling out, "Yeah, where's the video of the inside? Gotta have real evidence, girl! Show us pics or a vid! Don't got any? LAME!" Raucous laughter rippled across the rowdy crowd of high schoolers.

She glanced in a panic at Tiara, who shook her head frantically and mouthed 'No!'

Leah climbed up onto the picnic table. "Hey! QUIET!"

They quieted, all eyes on her.

"You want pics, fine." Her eyes blazed. "Anyone who's not a pussy better be at the mansion in fifteen minutes."

A cheer of approval rang out across the park as kids began to disperse. Leah jumped down from the table, stomach churning. This is it. I'm going to die tonight.

Tiara was staring at her in open disbelief and horror.

Chargrined, Leah looked away. "I know. I'm sorry. Look this wasn't the plan--"

Tiara turned abruptly and walked away.

"Hey, where you going? Tiara!" Leah caught up. "C'mon, I'll be fine-"

"No!" Her friend snapped, eyes moist. "I am not going to stand by and watch you kill yourself. I'm going home!"

"At least drop me off at the mansion," Leah pleaded, but Tiara climbed into her car and drove off. Great. Just great. Leah stood on the curb, frustration and loneliness boiling. I hate this state so much.


Leah managed to get a ride from two random guys who eagerly discussed what kind of horrors she might find inside the mansion until she ordered them to shut up and drive. They went down several dirt roads until they spotted the gaggle of cars parked alongside a narrow back road just a few minutes from the park. A mass of flickering lights could be seen in the distance, bobbing and moving around.

They stepped out of the car using their phone flashlights and headed toward the lights in the distance. When they arrived, the twenty or so kids there started cheering. Leah noted with dismay a lot of them were rather buzzed or drunk, but she supposed they were better than nothing.

"You ready for this?" some guy drawled, aiming a powerful LED flashlight at a set of high iron gates nearly covered in overgrowth.

Beyond the gate lay a tangle of woods, though it was obvious where a driveway had once been. Far deeper into the gloom, the beam of light revealed a barely visible portion of the infamous Cynder Hall mansion, dark, silent, and waiting for her.

"More than ready."

*to be cont*

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