10: suck my ass

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it was time to drive charlie to the airport, and michael wasn't sure if he was ready.

no matter how much he told himself he had to forget, a part of him couldn't. she was his first love, and he knew he would always love her in some way. as the gate closed, michael gave her one final hug and she broke down in his arms, staining his white muscle tee with tears.

"so, this is it?" charlie choked, staring up into the pair of green eyes that she had grown to love. "are we done?"

michael nodded reluctantly. they both knew that a long distance relationship wasn't fair for either of them, but charlie still had a small ounce of hope that maybe things would work out. "i love you char, and i always will. have fun in washington for me, alright? be good."

"i'll try," she replied, giving his arm a tight squeeze. "i love you, michael."

"i love you too."

and with one final kiss and a hug, charlie was out of his life for good.

michael didn't anticipate the goodbye being this easy. he had expected his heart to be completely broken in half, but instead he found himself with a mere crack along the edges. and then he questioned something that he never had to second guess in the past: did he ever really love charlie?

of course he did. if he didn't then he would have broken up with her months ago. devon, however, was different. he was sure of his love for her. she was different, and michael liked different. she was one of a kind.

when he returned home, he dialed devon's number immediately. he was afraid of being lonely, and, once again, no one was home. they were probably at one of erin's many basketball games (michael didn't even think she was that good, and he didn't even play any sports). devon answered on the third ring, sounding groggy. "what, clifford?"

"wow, good morning to you too, sunshine."

"it's too fucking early. it's before twelve on a monday, leave me be."

"hang out with me until therapy tonight?"


"why not?"

devon groaned and slammed her face into the pillow. michael remained silent for a long time, listening to her breathe from the other line before saying anything. "you're already awake anyway."

"for fuck's sake, clifford!"

after much arguing and an impressive string of profanities from devon, michael had successfully convinced her to come over. she showed up at his door with a glare, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.

"hey babe," michael cooed, giving her a huge smirk as he hugged her.

devon kept her arms crossed but couldn't keep the smile off her face. "hey asshole."

michael pouted. "that's not very nice, babe."

"suck my ass."


she ignored his cheeky comments, pushing past him and into the apartment. "i'm still mad at you for waking me up so damn early."

michael came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach. "but you love me anyway, right?"

"not really."

suddenly michael picked her up bridal style, literally sweeping her off her feet, and set her down on the couch. he straddled her and pinned her down so she couldn't move, despite her many protests. his hands found their way to her sides as he startede tickling her wildly, making a huge grin break out on her face. she started giggling, then laughing, then squirming uncontrollably while yelling at him to stop.

tears streamed down her face as michael continued his slow torture. "do you love me?" he sang.

"no!" devon yelled, still laughing maniacally.

"do you love me?"

"okay, okay, fine! i love you, michael clifford!" she surrendered, and michael's hands immediately left her sides.

instead, he stared down at her as she tried to control her heavy breathing. once she was silent, she stared back at him with curiosity, studying his handsome features. "why are you staring at me? do i have something on my face or something? in my defense, you woke me up early and i didn't - "

"shut up, devon. you wanna know why i'm staring at you? because you're probably the prettiest girl i've ever seen."


this is so freaking cute ok

a lot of you were saying how charlie didn't really react when michael wanted to break up with her well after that scene ended she cried and begged and shit but i didn't include it because i didn't really think you guys wanted to read 3 pages worth of her crying ok

you're welcoooooome

oh oh thanks for 3K votes omfgaibfawieufbaewiofuvaewpu hugs and kisses to my bitches

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