11: shut up, hemmings

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"so what's been going on in your life, michael? anything earth shattering, groundbreaking, breath - "

"my girlfriend moved away," michael interrupted, stealing a quick and almost unnoticeable glance at devon. "she moved back to washington because her mom is sick."

tom clicked his tongue. "i'm sorry to hear that michael. i know you really loved her."

"s'okay," he grumbled in return, shuffling his feet.

"so if sex means devotion to you, does that mean that you won't be having sex anymore for a long time?" luke asked suddenly, catching michael by surprise.

he honestly wasn't sure how to answer that. "uh, well..."

"yes, that's exactly what it mens," devon piped up, saving him from near embarrassment. the group looked from michael to devon, wondering if their exchange was harmful or friendly. devon continued nontheless, standing up in her seat. "michael's ideology of sex is different than mine, and i respect him. being in this therapy group as well as being his friend has changed me, and now i see things differently. sex shouldn't be about hooking up with a different person every night because you should only be that intimate with someone you really care about."

the room remained silent as devon finished her speech, and michael stared at her with wide eyes. she had not only told the group that she had changed but she had also told them that they were now friends. incredible.

"i'm glad you feel that way, devon," tom said after a long while, snapping everyone back to reality. "it's good to see that others are influencing you in the right direction."

devon nodded before sitting back down, earning a thankful smile from michael. when therapy was over, luke rushed to michael's side, staring at him in curiosity. "what did you do?"

"what do you mean?"

"i mean, what did you do with the real devon? did you kidnap her or something? are you a rapist? oh god, please don't tell me you're into that necrophilia shit because that is absolutely - "

"shut up, hemmings. that's the real devon. i'm not quite sure why her opinion changed."

"you wanna know why?" devon asked from behind him, causing him to flinch slightly and spin around.

michael nodded quickly, excusing himself from luke as he followed her onto the same balcony where they had talked together just a few weeks ago. "there's no one at this god damn therapy group who has one brain cell in their body that knows what love is. they've never felt love and i've never felt love, but you're the first one here who has, and i thought that was interesting. you showed me that love is a real thing and not just something they talk about in the movies," she finished, exhaling slowly.

"man, that was so deep that adele can't even roll in it," michael muttered, earning a genuine laugh from devon. they both laughed together; two former sex addicts on a balcony just absorbing the other's presence.

michael put his hand on the railing, only to have it covered by devon's small hand. "hey, i care about you. even if it seems like i'm ungrateful or unappreciative, i'll always be here for you."

he nodded gratefully, giving her a sincere smile. "the feeling is mutual."

and the two left the building, traveling in opposite directions, but their hearts were both heading the same way.


credit to comicclifford for that adele line because i literally found it so hysterical ok all credits go to her

i feel like this is getting boring omg more is coming i promise

bear with me here kids

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