13: stupid green hair

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ashton knocked on devon's door as soon as the ending credits for the exorcist rolled on screen.

michael was still badly shaken, hiding his face in a pillow and curling into a small ball on the couch. devon stared at him in disgust - and a little pity - before getting up to answer the door. she took a deep breath before pulling the door open and she was more than a little shocked at what was in front of her.

let's just say that ashton was hit by the puberty train, probably multiple times. he now towered over devon, and she could guess that he was about the same height as michael. his biceps were toned and his blonde curly hair had grown extra long, pushed back by a bandana. his bright hazel eyes lit up at the sight of her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

"dev!" he exclaimed, as she tentatively hugged him back. "it's so great to see you!"

"uh, you too, ash," she replied slowly, giving him a shaky laugh. "what's up? why are you in new york?"

ashton pulled abck and sighed, shaking out his beautiful hair. "that's kind of a long story. mind if i come in?"

devon nodded, stepping aside to let ashton into the small apartment. he caught sight of michael on the far corner of the couch and furrowed his eyebrows. "who is he?"

michael rolled his eyes dramatically, not even bothering to hide his annoyance (and jealousy). "he happens to have a name, and it's michael."

ashton nodded while devon stood between them awkwardly. "so are you guys, like, together?"

devon and michael gave each other a quick look, unsure of who was going to answer. "no," they said at the same time, causing ashton to chuckle.

"good, so you wouldn't mind if i said i wanted to take you to cape may this weekend for a party?"

both devon's and michael's mouths dropped in shock. what neither of them knew was that ashton had come all this way to try and win devon back, but he never expected another guy. especially not one looking like a leprechaun with his stupid green hair.

ashton really, truly loved her. he didn't know what he would do if she said no, considering that he had driven over 1,000 miles just for her.

"i...i don't know," devon stammered, glancing at michael. "it seems so sudden and i don't know if - "

"don't worry, i'm not going to rape you or anything," ashton joked, but no one laughed. "it's going to be safe there. you can stay with me the whole time and i won't let any other guys even look at you."

a part of devon's heart fluttered because no one had ever been that sweet to her - that is, except michael. michael! "i'll only go if michael comes with us."

ashton's face distorted into something ugly, as he glared at michael. "i only have room in my car for two plus all that luggage and - "

"he can fit," devon interrupted, giving ashton a sweet yet devilish smile.

"i don't know if i can," michael spoke up after awhile, causing both of them to stare at him. "i want to go but - "

"great! we leave in the morning." devon clapped her hands together, not giving ashton any time to think it over. "bye ash thanks for stopping by i can't wait until the morning," she said in one breath, pushing him out and closing the door in his face, leaving him confused and disoriented.

michael gave her a puzzled look. "why'd you do that? why do i have to come?"

"because i'll miss your stupid face, idiot. now get packing!"


this seems so rushed lmao

updates are gonna be slow from now on bc prESEASON BLOWS

and i can't feel my legs so that's good too

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