Chapter 1

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Percys//3rd Person P.O.V

It was all going so well, we arrived in Greece, the Gods were there, all ready in battle gear, we were prepared even after the long perilous Journey, and then it all went to Hades, quite literally, the monsters were everywhere and attacking so frequently that we had Frank, Leo and Hazel split off from fighting the giants just to keep them back, and even then it kept getting worse and worse

It took nearly all of the seven to just keep the monsters away, but we needed at least one demigod to fight the giants, and, as the most skilled I was volunteered.

Now, I don't like to brag, but I could very easily take on a giant one and one and win, Hades I've already done it twice, I killed a primordial goddess for fucks sake, but trying to fight monsters and multiple giants at once was a fucking pain

It got so bad that the Gods had decided they would just bless me when ever I came to fight with them, and gaining a blessing from a God where they allow you to share their powers is practically impossible, Gods are stubborn beings so they don't share but they knew they had to, so I had been blessed by a majority of the Olympian Council whole fighting

The resurrected Polebotes was easy, I had subdued him while my dad held of Porphyrion with Zeus, a silver peirced the giants head allowing it to crumple to dust, looking over he saw that Artemos seemed to be having trouble with Gration, rushing over, he attacked the perverted giant from behind, slashing his ankles, before piercing it's hear with Riptide, allowing Artemis to shoot an arrow that killed the giant

Nodding her thanks, both demigod and Goddess ran separate ways, looking over the demigods, he saw that they were doing well, but we're only just struggling, out of the corner of his eye he noticed Hephaestus starting to lose against Mimas, rushing to the crippled Gods aid, he summoned water and splashed it all over giants, promptly shocking the Giant, giving time for the water to form a spear and price through the Giant, while Hephaestus bashed his head in with a huge hammer

A golden arrow, zipped past Percys left ear, just dogding it, he turned around to see Apollo fighting Leon, going for the same tactic as he did with Artemis, he slashed the ankles of the Giant, stabbing into the monsters back

By now, Percy was completely focused on the battle, with out realising it Percy had started to gain blessings, Mars decided to bless the Greek Praetor, giving him a major boost in all his physical attributes, aswell as a complete set of Knowleadge on all forms of martial arts and weapon styles. Athena, deciding it safe, quickly sent her blessing to the boy allowing him to have a more exstenive Knowledge, allowing him to form battle strategies and tactics alot easier, allowing his skills with weapons like knives and spears to be alot better.

Hermes blessed Percy allowing him to move extremely fast, allowing Percys lying skills and sneaking skills to be expelled aswell. Apollo blessed Percy allowing him to shoot a bow with extreme persission, it also gave Percy the ability to assess wounds and the best way to heal them with only a glance.

And finally out of the second generation Olympians, Aphrodite blessed Percy, her blessing didn't really do much except make Percy look even more handsome, it also gave him an ability to sense love in all forms but that isn't important while in battle.

Scouting the battle ground, Percy had taken out 4 giants, and their were only 4 left, Enceladus, who Athena was holding off Pretty well, Hippolytus who was neck neck and neck with Hermes, Periboia who was basically just having a beauty contest with Aphordite, and finally, the biggest threat currently, Porphyrion, who was successfully holding off both Zeus and his father.

Running to the Giant King, I had to come up with a plan. Blood. Ichor. I know dad can't do it bit I can, slowly I tried to control the ichor in the Giants blood, trying to either stop his movement all together or just slow him down. Focus! I screamed at myself, sweating incredibly, I saw that He was slowing down, trying to force some water into a spear, I just managed

"Dad! Uncle! Get Ready!" I shouted, launching the spear at the Giant king, I could see my dad, focusing his will to keep the spear going in its direction, Perfect hit, I saw Uncle Zeus through his Master Bolt, and luckily, it managed to destroy the Giant King. Turning around I noticed the seven had finally joined In the fighting

Piper and Leo were destroying Periboia with Ares and Aphrodite, Athena had successfully killed Enceldaus with Annabeth help and finally Jason, Hazel and Frank had just killed Hippolytus with Hermes

Stopping to catch my breath, I looked up and saw the last Giant fall, breathing heavily, I only just noticed the electric blue and sea green glow around me diminish

"What.... was.... that?" I panted out to my father and uncle

"You havnt noticed? Some of us deities started to bless you as soon as it was only you fighting, from what I saw, Hermes, Apollo, Athena, Mars, Aphrodite, Your Father and I have blessed you. From your father it should just give you a major power upgrade aswell as a form of travel, a gift aswell that we discussed, Your relation to the golden fleece will carry on within you, any wounds no matter how severe you can heal, and from me you'll have small control over lightning and the wi-" Zeus was cut off by a outraged Roar of Disgust

"CURSE YOU! MY CHILDREN" the voice was clearly Gaeas, looking around he saw Jason and Piper both had blood dripping from their arms

"FUCK! EVERYBODY GET READY! JASON! PIPER! COVER YOUR ARMS YOIR BLEEDING" I screamed at the top of my lungs as crazy laughter sounded all around us "Fuck, Dad, Uncle I need you to evacuate everybody, I'll try hold her off as long as possible- Dad No, just go? I've already killed one Primordial God and held another at deaths door, I'm the most suitable for this. Storm or Fire, I can be the storm, Ask Hephaestus if he can quickly allow me partial use of Fire so I have double the chances, you need to get away and gather your strength just in case."

Without waiting for a reply, Percy sped off to what looked like the physical firm of Gaea, taking a glance back he could see his father and Uncle helping the other seven away, aswell as Hephaestus throwing a red glowing orb at him, assuming it was fire when it entered him, he automatically started up the largest Hurricane he can, while mixing fire into the hurricane, creating a huge swirling hurricane of Fire, leaping at Gaea, he swung his sword, clashing against Gaeas in a mass struggle,

The fighting went on for a while, before Percy had an idea, Minor control over the winds, he can fly for a few seconds, he can time bomb in the fire, creating a spear of water he peiced her in her stomach and head, before trying to manipulate the winds, forcing her up off the ground, flying straight up, he heard her scream

"CURSE YOU JACKSON! I CURSE YOU! I CURSE YOU! SHOULD I FALL TODAY YOU SHALL ASWELL! NEVER WILL YOU SEE YOU FAMILY AGAIN! A NEW DIMENSION! A NEW TIME! NEVER WILL YOU MEET YOUR FAMILY-" her wailing was cut off, by an explosion, her exploding actually, the fire that he kept pumping inside of her wounds had finally built up and detonated, completely destroying her and scattering her like how he did to Kronos. Percy had passed out on the fall, but knew well enough that a curse like that from a deity as powerful as her would come true.

Unknown to Percy the Gods and demigods alike, both here and back at camp had saw the final battle with Gaea, thus stopping the War between Greeks and Romans, causing a peace treaty. With the Gods, they assumed they would have around 5 minutes to quickly give anything they needed to Percy, and that they did

Apollo and Artemis quickly blessed a bow that could shoot unlimited arrows, Athena blessed around 4 knives that would always come back to him, the most precious gift definitely came from the Queen of the Gods, 4 golden Apples. Poseidon gave his son a replica of his Trident that was ment to be a birthday gift, finally Hestia sent a blessing to the boy that allowed him to manipulate hope, everybodies hope. And just as Percy recived these gift he was swallowed by a portal, never to be seen again.

All the demigods were in tears, even the hunters, but none more than Annabeth, Thalia, Nico and Posedion, who just realised about Sally

"Sally... how are we gonna tell Sally?" Poseidon wuspered incredulously...

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