Chapter 14

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To be told the Truth, Percy didn't listen to a thing of what 13 had said, his ADHD was playing up and he was hyper, turns out All Might wasn't here today, a meeting had came up and he couldn't come, so it was only Aizawa and 13 which Percy didn't mind, when they entered the USJ, Percy instantly felt a disturbance in the water particles, so wrapping a arm around Shoko, he wispered him her mind to be careful.

Percy pushed past the two heroes who were watching him strangely, as he reached the top of the stair case, he snapped his fingers as he caused the water particles in the air to vibrate, before calling a quick "Get Ready."

He summoned multiple illusions of himself all over the USJ as the two teachers sprung into action, before anything could happen a giant purple most arrived in the centre of the USJ, As a man covered in hands and a bird creature stepped out of the portal, they were instantly hit in the feet with Arrows as Percy shot his bow, he watched with satisfaction as the boy cried out while the bird seemed unaffected

He looked at his class and linked all their minds

"Nobody talk, just think and we'll all hear it, the bird creature, it's not affected by pain, the arrow should've went straight throw it but it didn't flinch, DO NOT ENGAGE, of you do, try get me to it so I can slow it's blood stream"

Percy didn't look back to know he had everyone's attention, so he continued

"The guy down their covered in hands can disintegrate anything he touches, I'm assuming he has to use all five fingers and he only used them to destroy the arrow, the rest are just low life thugs, the mist guy can make Portals, spread out, I'm assuming he wants to spread us out, I'll try to contact All Might Nd the other pros now, it'll take time so cover me."

He cut himself out of the the communication link but left everybody else in one so they could communicate, while this was happening, Percy crouched down and started to do a wide search for All Might or Nedzu, it only took a second but he eventually found the brain of the small animal they call a principle

"Principle Nedzu, it's Percy" he thought out to the the creature

"Percy? What's wrong?"

"Villians at the USJ, Send some back up, I'll try to slow them down but hurry, also warn All Might, there's a creature down here that I'm assuming has some form of shock nullification or avsobrtion, it doesn't feel pain."

"All right, hold them for at least 30 minutes, be safe."

With that, Izuku once again cut the connection and took a glance at his classmates, To find something completely different, looking up, he saw Thirteen injured on the floor and only a handful of students, sending a panicked look to the middle of the Plaza he saw his homeroom teacher destroying the thugs

"Guys" he called over to the class "what's going on?"

"We were separated." Ururaka answered quickly "The others are all around, Deku thinks the Villians don't know our quirks though, everyone safe."

"Good, the Pros will be here soon, I need you guys to try help out the others, does anybody have a long range quirk up here?" He asked rhetorically before answering himself "Not really, Iida is fast, Ururaka can negate gravity, Shoji is good at recon, Satou is only really a heavy hitter, Ashido's acid can't really go far and Sero's tape is much like Spiderman expect shitter, great. Just help any students who get close, I'm going to help Aizawa."

He didn't even waste a second before turning into mist and flying straight down to his teacher who was slowly being over run. Turning back into his solid body as he was falling, he delivered a brutal axe kick to a villain sneaking up behind the teacher, landing on the ground, he deliver another brutal roundhouse kick into another Villians jaw, shattering the bone, before he started to get Sirius

"Sup." He commented lightly to his teacher who just huffed

"Your late." He responded, as he slammed to Villians heads together.

"Do you want me to just end this right now or do you want to continue having fun?" He asked the teacher, who just huffed

"Just finish it."

Percy nodded, as all of a sudden every Villian in the Plaza froze, the blood in their bodies slowing down before Percy wrapped them all in water which he froze into unbreakable Ice. Well, all except the giant bird thing which he kept in a giant orb of flowing water in the air.

"Done." Percy was just ignoring the screams of the man child covered in hands, and for five minutes the man child was screaming before he had enough

"Hades your annoying." Percy stormed over to Villian covered in hands and broke his jaw "shit the fuck up or I'll rip your tounge out."

As Percy once again walked away and back to Aizawa who was checking in the kids, he didn't notice the mist man swallow both himself and the man in hands in his mist and disappear, well until he Ururaka called out last second

"PERCY!" Percy turned and saw what Ururaka was pointing at, and he just caught sight of the mist. He tried to control the water vapour and keep it but it just escaped before he could get a grasp on it.

"Shit." He growled, unknowingly he started drowning the other Villians with the increased vapour.

With that, The battle of the USJ Was finished, and Percy would be lying if he wasn't disappointed, when he fights monsters at least they put up a better challenge than these guys, so with a sigh he waited for the heroes arrive and take the Villians away. The school was closed for the next two days for everybody to recover, two days in which Percy spent with his mate and daughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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