Chapter 8

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A week had passed and It had been killing Percy, he had been asked to go on a radio silent on Izuku, he complied but if was difficult, so be often took his mind off of things by talking to Shoko, the two had became great friends on the week they had known each other, apparently the siblings had decided to hand in the recording, So Rei Todoroki had been released from the hospital, Enji Todoroki had his Hero license suspended, the Todorokis had been re-housed away from Enji, Rei had also been allowed to finally divorce the bastard which was a huge plus in the Kids eyes

Shoko and Percy had gotten alot closer in the past week, with Shoko telling Percy alot of her childhood. All Might had been a bit worried when the Police called thanking him on his sons behalf for bringing Endevors crimes to light, or course if news got out about what happened it would cause panic so it was only said that he had his license suspended for a while.

When Rei had met Percy for the first time she hugged him really hard, and Percy would be lying if he said he didn't cry a little, it had been nearly a year since he last saw or talked to him mother, let alone hug her, so he cried a little bit.

Percy had been training alot less recently, he had been... well he had been a normal teenage boy for once, he had been hanging out with friends without risk of monsters attacking, he didn't have to constantly worry about dying, and he certainly didn't have to worry about a new war starting up, but no matter what happened, he couldn't forget

Tartarus, that was something that cursed Percys dreams, each night he relived the horrors in that place, eh relived himself torturing the Goddess Akhyles, choking her with her own blood and Posion, he remembers meeting Nyx and watching the Goddess beg and plead for him to stop, and reliving his he killed the Goddess right infrount of her own mother, and when Nyx attacked him, he remembers how he boiled her Ichor to the point she was screaming in agony, he dreams of the horrors he saw when he faught against Tartarus, how, when the deity himself came to stop Percy from escaping, how he pressurised the ichor flowing to the Gods head, how he explode the Gods brain by making the blood flowing to it convulse, he remembers torturing monsters and then ruthlessly slaying them for answers, how he faught and killed some of the deadliest monsters on the pit in his rage, he remembers meeting the Primordial God Erebus who brought him out if his rage, clearing the darkness that was in his heart

He dreams about how the primordial Deities have two Personalities, the Good and the Evil, how some of them have killed off the other personality like Gaea, he remembers how he apologised to Erebus for trying to kill his wife, before being told that, that was one of the only ways to stop a primordial deity from being in their insane form

He dreams of the possibilities that he didn't escape Tartarus, how the demigods would've probably lost

And then he wakes up, And he normally has to Text Shoko to calm down, and he thinks she understands, but he doesn't want to bother her, So he doesn't always text her when his dreams happen

Once the week was over and Percy was sure Izuku had recived his letter, Percy hopped on his bike and drove to the beach, where he was to meet All Might and Izuku.

The ride was calming to Percy, he always loved when he could feel free, it was probably his father's fault, he knew the sea hated being restrained. Percy knew his fatal flaw was loyalty, but he was always compared to his father, and the sea doesn't like to be restrained, so Percy always fears that he'll either have to brake his fatal flaw to follow his nature of not being restrained, or brake his nature as the son of the sea to be loyal, Percy remembers talking to his dad about it who just said that, 'when he meets the right woman, the sea will not be restrained, merely contained, he will be loyal and free willed, water is still broken with Land, so she will be your land and you will be her sea'

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