Chapter 5

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It was only one month until the entrance exams, and Percy had been convinced to just be recommended into U.A. instead of taking the exam, so that's exactly what Percy did, but he did saw he wants to watch, if it was allowed, to which Nedzu agreed

For the last 5 months, Percy had properly trained his powers, and with some suggestioms from Izuku Percy had become stronger. Back at camp, Percy never really had time to train his powers, it kind of just grew with him, but his powers were plenty strong even without training.

Percy had discovered the type of travel he could use, and in Percys opinion it was epic, he named it Storm Travel, a hurricane surrounds him and he travels where ever he needs to go, he had tested this by storm traveling to All Mights house, he was very shocked to see Percy sitting on his couch when he came home, Percy explained to him what happened, with a promise to only use it if he had to

He finally had a grasp on how his powers from Hestia worked, Percys element was water, so getting a grasp on his fire powers were a little hard. When Percy first manipulated and summoned water, he had imagined a calm, ball of water, and it worked, but that didn't work for fire, so he had to do multiple attempts, when finally he got it, to summon fire, he imagined a calm flame, dancing around his hand, and it worked, a small red flame, he had trained on how to change the temperatures of his flames so they could be the coldest of flames or so hot they turned blue

Summoning Greek Fire was easy, when Percy imagines Greek Fire, he imagined a raging flame that can't be put out, and when he put that thought to practice, it worked, his hand erupted into Greek Fire

Finally The flame that represents him, Percy had to think of everything he went through, what he desired above all else, his friends, his family, and when he was done a small Silver flame, And just like Hestia had said in the letter, Percy instantly knew the properties of the fire

The Silver Flames of Perseus, thats what it describe itself as when the Knowleadge was implanted in his head, are a completely destructive force to it's enemies, what every you view as an enemy will be completely burned, it's alot stronger than Greek Fire In the fact that only you can extinguish it, it can also destroy other pieces of fire no matter the heat. When it hits and enemy it will start to decay their skin at an exellerated rate, also the flames will still burn even if they have an exxellerated healing factor. If the flames are used on somebody you view as a friend or bystander, the flames take on a different property, they will give the user a temporary boost in energy, so they can either help out or escape, it also temporarily boost peoples powers, so of used on a person who also used fire their flames will become stronger, this boost only lasts for 30 minutes or until the enemy is captured/flees.

Percy loved his flames, when he told All Might and Nedzu about them they came to an agreement that I can only use them if necessary. Next Percy started to work on his abilities tied to hope, they were quite simple to get a hang of as he was constantly using them on Izuku so that he doesn't give up.

The ability to manipulate Hope may seem weak but it's a deadly ability, if somebody has to much hope they can become reckless, and of they have to little, people will start to feel worthless and as of they should just roll over and die, so Percy tries to make everybody have an even amount of Hope, but it can be difficult, especially if the person is adamant about something

The other blessing Percy has recived from Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, Hermes, Apollo and Hephaestus didn't really do much for him in terms of power, they mainly boosted abilities that are physical, like making him stronger, or faster or a better lier, so Percy didn't have to worry to much about them

Percy soon moved on to training the powers Zeus gave him, and Percy was surprised to see that he had all the powers that Thalia had, he could manipulate the winds a small degree, so he couldn't fly like Jason, but he could summon and control lightning. Summoning lightning from the sky is the easiest but he can from lightning from electricity - aswell as slightly manipulate that aswell - or summon lightning from himself, like Thalia had, his lightning wasn't as strong as Thalias was but he didn't really care.

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