Chapter 11

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The next day followed the same routine in the morning, getting up, he showered, got dressed, picked out clothes for Eri, woke up Eri, help her bathe then get her dressed, summon breakfast, eating breakfast, driving to the Todoroki household, picking up Shoko and dropping of Eri before inevitably going to school, he figured that he was going to have to apply Eri for school soon so that she could get an educated instead of just giving her off to Shokos family

When they arrived at school, it was a surprisingly normal day, Percy had all of the normal lessons that schools would have, Percy was thankful for Athenas blessing, while or didn't rid him completely of his ADHD or Dyslexia, it did make him increasingly smarter, a small ability that Athena had failed to mention was that everything Percy read, of he willed it, would automatically translate to Ancient Greek, actually allowing him to read properly,

To be honest, Percy didn't expect much from actually school work, but apparently he was doing well, he wasn't the best like Izuku or Shoko but he wasn't the worst, around the middle mark in his estimate, the Day was pretty boring, Lunch was Proberly Percys favourite part of the day, and thanks to the Chef, a hero called Lunch Rush, he could eat really amazing meals for cheap, so he could satisfy his demigod metabolism in the best way possible, he even convinced the Lunch Hero to male blue cookies, and when the man gave him a version second best to only his mother, he respected the man more than he respected half of the Gods back home, which made him always chuckle

Finally, it was their last class, Foundational Hero studies, he, of course knew who the teacher was, All Might, aka his adoptive father and number 1 hero

As he and the rest of the heroes in training were waiting in class, a voice suddenly bellowed

"I Am Walking Through The Door" the Number 1 heroes voiced called, before frantically slamming the door open "Like A Normal Person"

He watched the man comically walk to the frount of the class, while listening to the diapers around the room

"Omg God, it's all might"

"Isnt that his silver age costume, that's so retro"

"So Manly"

Percy just couldn't put up with the man and face palmed, the sound resounding around the room, causing some to look at him, while his mate laughed at him with her eyes

"OH gods why." He muttered "Why now? Why him? Why like this" this time he gave a pointed glare at the hero, who flinched slight "I can't believe you act like this." He sighed before slamming his head onto his desk

All Might, sighed, already knowing the demigod was exhausted at him, he wanted to try act like a father to the boy, but he doubted he could, the boy was distant to him, only asking if he could do certain things, like adopting Eri, or buying a Bike, he didn't particularly mind, but he hoped they could at least act like a family, but with how Percy was he doubted it. Plus he had Izuku to look after, he had to train his successor, and he knew that Izuku and Percy were close friends but he felt a stronger connection to Izuku than the son of Poseidon

Clearing his throught, all attention went back to him, his grin widening, he spoke "All Right Class, Lets Jump Right into this with a Battle Trail, but to be real heroes, one must dress like a hero, and for that, you are going to Wear your Personally designed Hero Costumes, Once your all Dressed and Ready, meet me on Field Gamma!" He clicked a button and the walls opened up revealing 21 suitcases, one for each student, his son being number 21, he quickly strode out of the room, leaving the kids to themselves

As the kids rushed to get dressed, Percy sent a glance at Izuku, clearly asking if he should change in the open or private, now Percys body may be amazing, rippled with muscles looking as if it was carved straight from marble. But. It was covered in scars, his most disgusting ones coming from his time in Tartarus, he had a particular huge one on his back that even Apollo couldn't heal, while in the Pit, he met a Dragon, a real dragon, it attacked Percy who obiously faught back and killed it, but not before clawing it's claws into his back, giving him three huge claw marks that, at the time, could show all the way down to his spine, his body had multiple other scars aswell but none as big as that one.

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