Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to My mom

Chapter 7

I finally catch the pink haired fairy and whack her in the back of the head again. Why is no one cheering me on? Why is everyone scared off by me. I can almost say that Zaynante character had pissed himself. Oops I did it again.

“Let me know if you need anything bae..” Niall tells me. He is a really clingy guy, why he calling me bae already, we just met bitch.

“Can you help me find that bitch Stepheniqua?” I scream, and he starts to shake. His hands move up into the air, and he points his gun at the next room. I hear my gasp as I spot her. She, and two other girls are dancing on the table in the living room. This bitch did’t even invite me too dance with her? Is my booty not her material or what? A guy climbs on the table and joins them, his hands gripping on her small ass. I expect her to push her bottom against his, but she just smacks him away. She probably waiting for Mitt Romney to get his ass to the party. I hate that hoe.

I pull my phone out and I have three messages from that fag Nowaqua, what the fuck does he want?

“Where yo’ ass at?”

“Hello? Yo’ ass hasn’t seen daddy.”

“Tessandra, I swear tah baby jesus, you better call me before I twerk my way over there..”

Fuck no, who does this bitch think he is. I ain’t gonna call him. I am gonna step up on that table and twerk with those fine ass ladies. I love twerking, especially with other people, it just really makes me happy, and my booty too.

“Heeeeeey Tessandra!” Stepheniqua screams as she twerks on the table. He arms wrap around my waist and she leans her booty in me. Her booty feels like Miley Cyrus’, I am so done now. “You havin’ fun at dis’ party?” she yells. She is obviously not wasted enough. She could ask one full question, she should be falling by now. She screams “I think I need… the room is starting to spin Tessand.” Finish yo’ sentence before you faint bitch.

“Take her to the room across the hall, and lay her on the bed. She is going to sleep it off” Sha’Niall says. This bitch thinks I am gonna take this bitch to her room. Fuck no, I push Sha’Niall.

“Yo’ ass better twerk his way upstairs with her ass, because I am not gonna carry her up there.” he nods. My weave is probably the weight off her, and thats already heavy enough. “You can stay in there too” he says.

“No nigga, I wanna party!” I tell him and he gives me a stern look. 

“Please Tessandra..” why this bitch begging me now. Why is everyone so serious here jesus.

We get to the room and I twerk my way into the room and chill on the bed looking like Beyonce. My eyes go to the bookshelf, why is this shit so full. Nerds. I grab some shit that says Wuthering Heights and pull it off the shelf. Oh its falling apart, I like this book, so I put in into my dress, because I want it.

“Why the fuck is yo’ ass in my room?” An ratchet angry voice booms. I know that ratchet accent, its Harryliantwan.

“I asked yo’ fugly ass what the hell is yo’ ass doing in my room?” Harryliantwan repeats, just as ratchet as the first time. His long ghetto legs twerk towards me, and he snatches the book from inside my dress, and places it back on the shelf. My mind is bitching at this bitch, because I just want some books.

“Sha’Niall told me to bring Stepheniqa here ya’ ass. And yo’ stupid ass don’t need to repeat yo’self.” my voice shouts. He takes a step closer and lets out a breath.

“I heard you bitch.” he interrupts. He runs his hand through his mop, clearly upset. Why he so mad we in his room, its practically falling apart.

“Yo’ is part of a fraternity?” I ask him.

“Yea.. I twerked my way in” he answers and steps even closer. The space between us is less than a 5 feet, but I want some space, and he needs to get the fuck out of it. “Does that surprise you Thereasandra?” 

“Stop calling me Thereasandra ya’ dick ass bitch.” 

“Thas’ yo’ name I call yo’ ass by yo’ name skank.” He smirks, does he want my booty now. This bitch.

I flip my weave, and turn away from him. I know exactly where I am going, I am going to party on that table. And no nigga, I say no nigga, going to stop me.

Tip #4: Do not steal a book Queen Tessandra stole.

I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna

Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

I really love each and every single one of you for all your support, I love how you all are kind and shit. Haha. Lots of people have inboxed me about sending me mail, I will think about it, but I probably will only accept fan letters, because I don't really want you guys to waste money :)



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