Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I have no words for this Harryliantwan hoe, and his dirty ass comments towards my cute booty. Hoe, skanky, ratchet ass Harryliantwan. 

“You have to admit it.” He tells me.

“Fuck no I don’t now, shut your little shit trap mouth up, before I get my fucking shovel, and shut it for your little sunflower ass flappy dick.” I say with a fiercer attitude than ever before.

“Okay, you have a very beyatchy attitude, why?” He says and giggles.

I thought fucking Liam was a bad ass cupcake, but this hoe Harryliantwan is fucking two faced. Like why can’t he just feel one way? “I’m not bitch you hoe, your a fucking dick.” I say, and giggles.

Its nice for this bitch to laugh at my jokes, but he makes me mad, like I want to spill Dr.Pepper all over his penis. I can’t focus on anything else but pouring Dr. Pepper on his dick now. Like imagine how cute that would looks like, maybe I could do a girl a favor.

“Look at us, we are friends.” he says in a country accent. Ok, so now he is a cowgirl.

Hell, even when this son of a bitch has a country accent, he still reminds me of the Dr.Pepper penis. They should make those. I tear my head away from the image of Harrliantwan’s penis getting covered in Dr.Pepper.

“That skirt makes your booty look so cute.” He says in a stern voice.

For a second I wanna twerk on his dick, but then I look down at his dick, and let me just say, I have never seen a bulge like that in my whole entire life. But no booty for that whore.

My phone starts to twerk in my back pocket. Its my mama, but I ignore it cause I am a bad girl now.

“Why yo’ mama calling?”

“Because she probably wants to know how big yo’ penis is.. I’ll tell her 1.5 inches..” I say and laugh.

“We should twerk after class tomorrow..?” He offers.

Here comes the ghetto Harryliantwan.

“I don’t wanna twerk with yo’ flat ass.” I can’t even imagine how flat his ass is, almost like a pancake eh?

“Please, I wanna learn how you can twerk it like that.” he says as he wobbles his flat ass around. I pray for this white boy.

“Fuck no.” 

“Please, I promise I will not touch yo’ booty, not one time.” he says and in my brain I wanna twerk yes. but my booty is saying no.

I don’t even say anything to the son of a bitch, who he think he is? My head is twerking, Harryliantwan is so bi-polar, my aunt Matilda is a hot Indian doctor, she knows exactly how the fuck to fix Harryliantwan’s head with her new signature curry mix. There are people still staring at my twerking. I know I am being judged, but like who the fuck cares. As long as I know my booty is yummy.

I end up floating my way to campus, same old same old. I like Sha’niall’s roommate, he so cute and shit, I’d fuck him if he wasn’t with red bitch. I know I shouldn’t be thinking ratchet like I am, but like why the fuck not, Stepheniqua is too stupid to read my mind. 

“Hey Tessandra, how was yo’ day?” Sha’niall twekrs his way over.

“It was like Liam’s dick, long and good, you know?” I say eating a leaf.

“Thats nice, how long is Liam’s dick.” Sha’niall says with jealousy in his voice. I have to admit, I can see Niall’s penis through his pants, but it ain’t as big as Liam’s like damn.

“The big 10 bitch.” I say holding up all 10 of my fingers. Like kazaam, if you don’t have a 10 inch dick yo’ dick ain’t coming inside of me to say hello. Straight up.

“My dick is longer….” Sha’Niall says quietly.

“Bitch shut the fuck up.” I say and pull leaves out of my teeth.

Tip #11: Do not fucking say your dick is longer than Queen Tessandra’s best fucking nerdy friend, Li Li, or you will get cut.

If y’all wanna follow @lostskittles on instagram, go ahead :)

If you guys want to send letters to me, inbox me. 

I have received some hate upon my use of ‘African American’ races in this fanfiction, I just want to let you know that I live in a horrible part of Texas, and I am just writing on what I live around. If  this story offends any of you, please do not bash on me, I am just trying to mix up a fun and entertaining book. This is NOT entirely on one race. If you might have not noticed, theres a hint of a white girl, and hint of a brown girl, hint of hispanic decent, in this fanfiction. It is suppose to be relatable and funny. 

I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna

Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

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