Chapter 26

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Harryliantwan gets out of the food mood, and we decide to leave everything the way it is, because the stupid waiter gave me noodles instead of bread. How fucking blonde of her. Harryliantwan is a real bitch, really, like how did I ever agree on going out with him, he is a maniac. He nearly bit my ear off when I told him I did not like noodles. Harryliantwan is a little shit, and he decided to pee all over the diners restroom before we left, again he is a maniac.

“Wait in the car.” Harryliantwan says sternly tossing me his ratchet ass keys that sing a tone every time they land on a hard surface.

“But what if I wanna wait in here and sass all these waitresses.” I say in a sassy tone.

I like to get Harryliantwan confused and pissed off, because he has this ugly grunt looking face on, and its kinda attractive. He also does a hair flip with his long tarzan hair, and that really gets me going. I smirk at him like I am Ariana Grande, but not really because I am better.

“Just get in the fucking car dumb ass.” He whispers at me, because he has this “reputation” apparently even ghetto boys like him have a rep. I had a rep in the second grade, and it was for having the biggest booty. He is just extremely too sassy for my likings, but I decide to not piss him off, because if I did he would not drive me home. Which would make cute Tessandra, evil, you know?

I have to put the key in the handle whole thing to get the car unlocked, because it is not a new car, you know like the remote control ones. I get into his car and turn on the engine and blast up the heater, because Washington is too ghetto and cold for my likings.I turn up the radio to my favorite Chris Brown remix, but all that seems to play is this chill ass man named Ed Cheerio, was his momma eating cereal? I actually kinda like this cheerio, and am so attempted to groove to this tone, but Harryliantwan comes in the car and turns off the music, because he is a party crushed, stupid dick.

“Tessandra did you ask me if you could turn on my Ed Sheeran album?” He ask me sternly like he is my daddy or something, son of a bitch ran away right when I was born.

“Shut the fuck up, Cheerio came on without even asking, like you.” I say smirking, because I know my come-back was horrible, but maybe my smirk would totally win his shit over. I am such a star.

Harryliantwan turns off the car, and turns it back on. I guess this son of a twat does not trust me. Fucking son of a bitch. I wonder what kinda job he wants, what if he wants to join a pop squad band? Ew, he would be the dumbest bitch in the group.

“Did you have a nice time?” He ask, interrupting my ghetto thoughts about Harryliantwan becoming apart of a pop squad.

“Fuck no.” I say bluntly, because honestly it was the worst time of my life, I did not even get fed. “You gonna join a pop squad after this?” I ask him

“What?” He looks at me in confusion, oh look, there it is again, he is being such a babe today with his confusion.

“Are you gonna be in a pop squad group, like that 5 Seconds of Chipotle band out there, you gonna be like that?” I say smirking, because I’d like to see Harryliantwan in crotch sucking jeans.

“I don’t know, maybe I will sing a song called Carbon dioxide.” Harryliantwan says dying of laughter. Oh my fucking god I hate when he laughs at his own fucking jokes, who does this boy this he is, jesus? That joke was not even funny, he sounds like he just majored in fucking Chemistry, dirty shit.

“Get the hell outta my car” Harryliantwan groans.

I kick open the door, and do my swagger jagger walk into the dorms, because I am queen, and I am not gonna let anyone boss me around yes. I kick open my dorm rooms door, and see that freaking red bitch is not even home, when this hoe gonna be home. I just wanna party and twerk hardcore, but if she ain’t here it isn’t possible.

I sit down on the table and start reading the book we talked about in English class, and then realize how much bullshit it is, and put it aside to youtube more Chris Brown toons to put in my playlist.
No Queen Tessandra tips for today, but stay swaggy, aye

Happy New Years, I spent my NYE writing this, because I realized how much a procrastinator I am, and I am going to try to post every single update on time, because I absolutely fail at that. fucking shit..

P.O Box 298
Freer TX, 78357

If y’all wanna follow @lostskittles on instagram, go ahead :)
If you guys want to send letters to me, inbox me.
I have received some hate upon my use of ‘African American’ races in this fanfiction, I just want to let you know that I live in a horrible part of Texas, and I am just writing on what I live around. If  this story offends any of you, please do not bash on me, I am just trying to mix up a fun and entertaining book. This is NOT entirely on one race. If you might have not noticed, theres a hint of a white girl, and hint of a brown girl, hint of hispanic decent, in this fanfiction. It is suppose to be relatable and funny.
I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna
Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

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