Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

As Sha’Niall goes on and on about his ratchet ass dick. I see my hoe Stepheniqua wiping her way to my ass with that hoe Zaynante. 

“Hey Tessandra!” She screams giving me her stupid ass hug. I don’t like her ratchet ass hugs because her boobs are too big and they hurt my little chest. Like bitch what the fuck.

“Hey cutie boom boom.” Ratchet ass Zaynante says. Who this bitch thinks  he is talking to me. Like my ass is way too cute for his little mexican ass. Like no abla yo’ languajo.

“Bitch, shut the fuck up.’’ I say and twerk away, because I am queen.

“You look so cute today, booty down.” Zaynante tells me. I smack his quiff down, and twerk to Stepheniqua’s bed, and sit down. The bed is too ratchet, like too ratchet, but it twerks. The door breaks open a few minutes later, and here comes cupcake Harryliantwan, with his ratchet ass fairy godmother wand.

“Geez Harryliantwan, you cost me so much screws.” Stepheniqua scolds baby Harryliantwan, and he smacks her ass with his cute wand. “I could screw you with that wand.” She says, and he giggles. Bitch grow up. I am sure she is used to him breaking in like that, but no bitch got the time to buy that many screws, like she got a HomeDepot card or some shit

“Yummy.” Harryliantwan mentions. This bitch. Stepheniqua’s hoe Tris or whatever from Divergent, his face falls while everyone twerks. Bitch, you just got out of the Divergent games, be happy. I start cackling, and twerking because that frown ain’t cute.

“Oh shut up.” She says, still twerking, and grabs ahold of Tri’shae’s dick. His dick becomes stiff, and I guess he really is down to fuck now. Yas Divergent Games.

“What are you guys twerking to?” Harryliantwan ask, and twerks onto my bed. ew. I want to tell him to get his little flower boy ass off my bed, but then I will have to use my mouth, so fuck never mind. I thought for a second he had twerked here to spank me, but what bitch would do that, I am too fab for him. 

“We were actually gonna see Gangster Perfect, Tessandra, yo’ ass should come.” Zaynante says, Before I can twerk yes, Harryliantwan shits at me like his usual.

“Actually, Tessandra and I are twerking tonight, you know.” He says, there is a ratchet ass fume coming from his ass, and if it is not just me, I think he shit himself.

“What?” Zaynante says, and he looks like a mad mexican boy, does he need me to tell him he  is ‘mucho loco’, or can he handle.

“Yea bitch, we got plans. Harryliantwan says as his booty twerks off, snapping in a z- formation. “You ready, cause I’m about to blow yo’ mind, if ya’ know what I mean.” he says, as he booty pops my hip. Bitch what, he needs some serious lessons.

“Well bitch adios! I guess I will be seeing y’alls asses later.” I say and twerk my way out of this ratchet ass room.

“What the fuck was that bitch.” I yell. We are yelling at each other because it is a fucking form of love, don’t go on judging.

“I love you, hehe.” Harryliantwan says. Oh his little cupcake is back. This little shit irritates me. I hate cupcakes. There so fucking annoying, like bitch shut the fuck up, and stop eating that ratchet ass sugar, it ain’t good for your ass. Like come on brother. Oh my god I am so done with this cupcake. 

“Bitch stop. Be mean to me.” I say trying to make this little shit sugar cube, into the devil inside, because I rather be yelled at then this hoe being all pinky and shit.

“Listen bitch, calm yo’ tits.” He says, oh look daddy is back.

I start to pet his radio, and change the station to my favorite Chris Brown mix, because damn, a girl can seriously twerk to Chris Brown, I mean like get it. Like if I could marry Chris, I would because he is a little fucker with so much joy, oh my god I literally can’t handle that little dick.

“Don’t touch my radio, betch.” he snaps my hand away.

Tip #12: Do not fucking  touch Cupcake Harryliantwan’s radio, or he will bitch at you, causing Queen Tessandra, to slap his dick out the window.

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I'm gonna open a p.o box, so you know you ken do what y'all want.

Krishna Ghetto (Lol)
P.O Box 298
Freer, TX 78357

I have received some hate upon my use of ‘African American’ races in this fanfiction, I just want to let you know that I live in a horrible part of Texas, and I am just writing on what I live around. If  this story offends any of you, please do not bash on me, I am just trying to mix up a fun and entertaining book. This is NOT entirely on one race. If you might have not noticed, theres a hint of a white girl, and hint of a brown girl, hint of hispanic decent, in this fanfiction. It is suppose to be relatable and funny. 

I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna

Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

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