Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Nah bitch, got my shovel before he could even tap my ass.” the idea of that bitch touching me makes me gag all over Harrliantwan’s room, oops I did it again. 

“Oh shit, yo’ ass just puked all over my my carpet, What yo’ ass gotta say about that?” Harrliantwan says. I walk across the room toward his fluffy ass bed. I lay on his bed like a pancake and begin making snow angels, because why the fuck not.

“Uhm.. can I join you Tessandra.” Harrliantwan whispers. I hadn’t realize I became a kid, so I moved a little over, and he laid beside me, and together we created hot ass snow angels, that would get laid. He does this weird shit with his lip ring and puts it between his teeth, does he not fucking realize that thing could fucking rust and kill a bitch? My hormones start going crazy, and I start twerking on Harryliantwan’s crotch, because its fun. I crash my lips against his hot ass gucci lips, catching him totally of fucking gaurd. No more flappy dick for this bitch.

As my lips touch Harryliantwan’s I feel him breathe. I just got bored, and decided to fucking kiss this bitch, his mouth taste just like I fucking imagined. Two words.

Fried. Chicken.

He has a cold ass tongue, did he put it in ice before he went to fucking sleep or? He brings his big ass hands to my weave, and pulls it. Bitch no, my weave is mine, not yours. 

My mind is so in charge. Harryliantwan pulls me by my booty, and climbs me like a fucking mountain. I am tall, ok. This bitch is so inexperienced, I literally cannot right now. He pulls my weave again, and I got pissed.

“Harry, you son of a bitch! Don’t pull my weave!” I say.  

He gets really pissed, and pulls out his phone again, I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with him, like when a girl tell you not to pull her weave you tell her ‘yes mam’ and make the fuck out with her again, fucking Harrliantwan.

“Can yo’ ass not make a big ole’ deal outta this you hoe?” I ask, I would be humiliated knowing that everyone knows that a bitch pulled my weave.

“Trust me, all I wanna do now is play flappy bird.” He snaps.

“Now your a bitch again, little motherfucker.” I shout at the hoe.

“I never was a nice bitch, I just wanna play flappy bird all day, all night, and feel alive, you get me?” he says

Bitch. I can feel my hand on his phone, and I take it, and run out of the house, because bitch killed my vibe. 

“Yo’ ass can stay here.” he says, but I flick him off, and stand his ratchet ass gamer phone and break it, cause I am a bitch. I throw it back at his head, and he now has a Harry Potter cut on his forehead.

“No t hanks you ass whole.” I say and twerk outta the room. When I reach outside the hot ass home, I think I hear him call my ratchet name, but I keep twerking. The cool breeze feels nice against my weave, and I twerk faster. I tap the address on to my tic tac phone, and try to navigate my drunk ass back home.

The streets are cold, and sexy, and once I get away from that frat shit, I start twerking more calmly. There are so many things twerking through my head right now, and one of them is how cute does my booty look at this night? 

After an hour of twerking, I finally reach the ratchet ass campus. I stop at the coffee house which seems to be open at 3 AM, this ratchet college knows how to make money, and grab a cup, and pour some of the vodka in that I stole. My booty hurts, and as I reach the door I see that ratchet ass bitch Harryliantwan laying on my bed. Who this bitch thinks he is?

“Where was yo’ ass?” He ask. “I drove around, and broke down twice looking for yo’ skanky ass.”

What this bitch saying? 

“Why the fuck would yo’ ass be looking for me?” I ask the hoe, that I wanna smack right now.

Honestly, this bitch got 4 seconds to run, before I pull his mop out of his head, and cut his eyebrows off.

Sorry for the late update, went out of town )):

I am sorry if I am offending any of you, All rights to Anna

Follow dah twitter becuz you know ily @ghettoafter

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Account: WattyAwardsFanfic

I am nominated for Best Harry, and Best Humor

#13 in Best Harry, and #3 in Best Humor :)

It would mean a lot if I won.

Also if y'all want to make Ghetto Tessandra, or Ghetto Harryliantwan accounts on twitter, go for it :p

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