Chapter 3 - Light To Dark

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If you can't tell from chapter two, I use 'for sound noises'.

Jonah's P.O.V.

I was laying on my bed going through people's Facebook pages, to see what they have been up to. I came across Cyrus's and saw some photos of him in his blue suit at his bar mitzvah, that his moms or dads must of took. *God he is fucking adorable* I started to get a hard on. Since my dad is gone and my mom left to go shopping, I decided to help myself with my pants problem. I took one hand and started gently rubbing my cloth covered penis. In no time I was completely hard, *I wish I knew how big Cyrus's penis was*. I took off my shirt, and slid down my pants and underwear "uh", I let out a gasp as the cold air hit my genitals. My tiny little 5 inch young boy cock was pointing up at the ceiling. I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock and started sliding it up and down slowly, while looking at photos of Cyrus. *He has a nice, round, big ass that I would love to fuck*, I closed my eyes and pictured Cyrus naked. "Fuck Cyrus, Auhh, Cyrus" I moaned. I sat up and spread my legs real wide, and started to pound my meat furiously. It was making a nice slapping sound, from my huge saggy balls flying around, that turned me on even more. I was getting closer to climax, and was breathing really hard, while filling up the room with moans. "Fuck me Cyrus" I gasped out as I reached my orgasm. Four long, white, stringy lines of cum oozed out of my penis onto my belly. I closed out of Facebook on my phone, and went to the bathroom to get some toilet paper. I wiped off the cum and flushed it down the toilet. I layed back down on my bed, with my back facing down while I came down from my high. *I wanna feel Cyrus's bare ass on my dick*. *I really wish Cyrus was gay and loved me*, I put back on my clothes and went downstairs.

Saturday had dragged on forever, but it was finally over. It is my last day before I have to go back to school on Monday, since it is Sunday my parents were both at home. I woke up hearing "I fucking hate you, you stupid worthless bitch!" *Ohh no my parents are fighting again, I hate it when they do that*. "How am I the stupid one?", "You don't provide shit for this family, and you do nothing around here!" *Guess I'm going to stay up in my room, acting like I was sleeping still, and didn't hear this*. "Well if I do nothing around here, it wouldn't be any different if I left you?", "Fine then leave and get hit by a fucking truck, and die you dirty scum!". 'BAAM!' The door slammed shut. I ran over to window in time to see my mom driving away. *They normally fight, but this time was serious and it scared me*.

After things cooled down I went downstairs to talk with my dad. He was in his bedroom on his computer, "Hey dad ... where did mom go?". My dad replied back "Hopefully to hell, ... now can you leave me alone I'm busy" my dad said without even looking up from his computer. I'm glad he didn't look up to see me because I started crying when he said hopefully in hell. I walked back out of his room through the hallway overwhelmed with emotions. *That was the last time I will probably see me mom, I never got to say goodbye*, My heart rate increased. *My dad doesn't care for me, nobody does* I started getting light headed and dizzy. *My anxiety and worries will keep getting worse until I come out as gay* My vision started getting blurry. *My dad would kick me out if he finds out I'm gay* I was getting pretty sweaty. *Cyrus dated Irus, there is no way he is gay, and I don't want to date anyone else* I lost feeling in my body. *All my friends will hate me, as much as I do* I couldn't move and timed slowed down, as I watched the world around me disappear. The ground rose up super fast, then everything went black.

Buffy's P.O.V.

It is Monday morning, and I am at school with Cyrus waiting at breakfast for Andi and Jonah to show up. "Hey Cyrus, where are Jonah and Andi?", "I'm not sure Buffy". "I will text Jonah, and you can text Andi" I told him. Cyrus nodded at me. A few moments later 'PING!', my phone went off. The message read "I didn't come to school because I am dealing with bad stuff", I sent back "I am truly sorry for you, but please tell me what is the bad stuff you are dealing with?". I looked at Cyrus "Did Jonah respond yet?", "Nope, what do you think is reason why he is not here today?". *Maybe he overslept* I answered Cyrus by saying "If I had to guess, probably something like oversleeping" I checked my phone Andi's new message said "My dad killed himself", I showed Cyrus who looked really sad after reading it. I sent another message to Andi saying "Your strong, you will get through this" *She was fine without her dad for 13 years*. Andi replied back "I don't want to chat about this now, maybe later in person". 'Brrriiiinng' the bell rung so me and Cyrus went to our first classes.

Cyrus's P.O.V.

While walking through the halls, loads of people gave me dirty looks. *Why won't they stop giving me dirty looks*, "Outta my way gay faggot" some random dude said as he slammed me into the locker hard. "Oww" I said as I felt the blood trickle down my face from my nose. "Kill yourself gay boy!" shouted another random girl. *How the heck do they know I'm gay*, *I only told Andi and Buffy*. I started to cry. "What's the matter little gay retard?" Said another kid. I rushed off to the bathroom, and cleaned up my face, then called my mom "Hey mom can you come pick me up from school something really bad happened today", " No, honey I can't right now I'm sorry" I hung up. *How am I supposed to make it through the rest of high school like this. I tried calling my others parents and none of them could come pick me up I. My grandparents could not since they do not live close enough. *Buffy, I need Buffy* I thought as I left the bathroom to find Buffy waiting in first period for me.

"Buffy" I cried as I ran over and hugged her. "What's wrong?" she whispered. "Why don't you hug a guy, gay loser!" Some kid in the back of class called out. Buffy said to me "How do they know?", then she turned and yelled at the kid "Why don't you shut the fuck up, ass hole?". I told her "I don't know", the teacher walked back in and looked at Buffy. *I guess the teacher heard what she said*. "Buffy, principal's office, now!" Ordered the teacher. "But" Buffy was cut off "Go to the principal's office now, you can explain this to him", Buffy left the room. I immediately said to the teacher "Sir she should not be in trouble it was him that started it" as I pointed to the kid the at the back of the class. The teacher said "Do you wanna join Buffy in the principal's office?". To everyone's surprise I said "Yes". I left the classroom quickly to catch up with Buffy.

I took a deep breath, before we entered the office "You're going to be fine" Buffy told me reassuringly. I sat next to Buffy in one of the two black leather chairs facing the principal's desk. The principal asked "So Buffy, I hear you like to cuss?" Even though he was not wanting a answer Buffy said "I had to, I was defending Cyrus from a bully". *I can't believe Buffy had to defend me, since I am to much of a gay loser*. The principal looked angry and said "I don't want to hear it, you and Cyrus both get a detention". "What this is crazy, Cyrus didn't do anything, please don't make him have detention", "Too late now he already gots one, and if you keep going you will have a second one". *Oh god, a detention my parents will be so mad*, *Buffy please don't say anything else*. But of course Buffy said "Fine give me as much detentions as you want as long as Cyrus doesn't get one". It was no surprise the principal said "Buffy, now you have two detentions". I whisper to Buffy "It is fine, just one detention, please just stop. I'm begging you, he is not going to cooperate". "Fine" she says back, I know it was hard for her to not keep going, but I am so glad she won't be getting more detentions. *This will not be fun telling my parents*. *I also need to tell my parents that I am gay since, the whole school knows, also so maybe they can support me, since Buffy will be moving with her mom soon*.

End Of Chapter 3

Do you think that Jonah's mom will come back? How do the kids at school know Cyrus is gay? Who else would know that Cyrus is gay? What will Cyrus do if his parents don't support him? What will Jonah's dad do if he learns Jonah is gay? Should Buffy of said that to defend Cyrus?

NOTE: I don't know what a panic attack is like since, I have never had one, but did I do good at describing one? Are panic attacks like how I described them? If not please leave a review telling me what panic attacks actually like. 

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