Chapter 24 - Cyrus Is Mine

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I'ma apologize right now for the smut that will be taking place this chapter, but hey I can't get any better if I don't practice so suffer with me through this. It probably won't be that bad, right? Oh I just can't wait for October when the show returns, I still really want a halloween episode.

Cyrus' P.O.V.

I ask Jonah, "What does it say?"

"It says; Tsk tsk tsk, Jonah you had your chance. It is time to hand over what is rightfully mine, you took something more like someone who belongs to me. You don't deserve Cyrus, I do. I am giving you until tomorrow to break up with him. Do as I say you will suffer the consequences, did you know that tragic accidents happen everyday to normal people. I'm just saying if something awful comes your way it was not my hate it was simply your fate. This is your one and only warning, your twenty four hour countdown starts as soon as this message is opened. The task is simple, if I can't have him, nobody can, and it ends there"

Hoping it is just some prank or joke of some sort I say, "It's probably nothing, do you know who it's from?"

Jonah shakes his head, "No, are you sure it's nothing to worry about?"

"Yeah I am sure, nothing is going to happen"

"Okay I'm trusting you mister" he replies.

"Good, as you should" I tell him back cockily.

"Oh and one more thing..."

I ask, "Which is what?"

"My dad is going to be gone for nearly a week meeting up with some internet girl, and that means I'll be all by myself-"

"And you want me to come stay with you, till he returns?"


I smiley and softly say, "Okay"

Maybe I could try something I have been wanting to do for a while.

It wasn't until the following day that I snuck out of bed, bright and early at Jonah's house to make a surprise breakfast.

I was unsure if my plan was going to work or not.

I got to the laundry room and discarded all of my clothes into the hamper.

Once I was in the nude, I began my work in the kitchen careful not be noisy and wake him yet.

Sure it would be surprise for him to see me naked cooking breakfast, but this was a fun idea of mine; we've seen each other naked plenty of times, so it would be no big deal.

The eggs got done a lot faster than I intended, whereas the bacon was just getting started, which was not the ideal outcome, neither was when I heard the shuffling in the bedroom.

Great, now he is finding out I am not there, and will find me, before I want him too.

My plan was to have him wake up just as I am finishing up, I didn't really plan on how I could make that happen, perhaps be the cause of a loud noise.

Anyways he was out of bed, meanwhile I was mentally screaming at the bacon to just cook faster, wishing I had super powers to cook it in a instant.

Next thing was the door opening, and him saying, "Do I smell - CYRUS!", he exclaimed partway through his question upon noticing my clothes were gone.

"What is the matter with you?"

"Get away from that, gosh Cyrus don't you know the grease can fly up and burn you"

I look back down at the sizzling bacon, "It is fine, I got it under control"

Jonah walked over saying, "I do like the new outfit, but it is not one safe for a chef to be wearing, allow me to finish up"

Jyrus - Jonah's ProblemWhere stories live. Discover now