Chapter 11 - Love Can't Save Everything

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I know where this story is going and how it will end, the trouble is that I don't know how to make the story get there. This chapter may be a bit rough. Also if anything doesn't make sense please alert me, so I can resolve the problem of confusion.

Jonah's P.O.V.

Monday morning, same school day routine.

I missed so much school, it will take me awhile to get caught back up.

At first I wanted to try out being with another guy.

That guy ended up being Cyrus, and I love him.

Cyrus makes me feel safe when I am in his arms.

I did now want to come out as gay on my first day back at school, but I quickly learned that I needed to.

It was only breakfast, and Cyrus, Buffy, and Andi were all sitting together.

I was walking over to them until I noticed something.

"Hey whatcha got in here" a kid said as he took Cyrus's backpack.

I froze up waiting to see what he is doing.

Cyrus got up to try and snatch his bag back, but the kid just held it back farther away from Cyrus.

"Give it back" Cyrus pleaded helplessly still attempting to get his bag back from the bully.

The bully started unzipping his backpack and flung it around making all his stuff fall onto the floor.

"Leave him alone!" I demanded walking over to the bully who was larger than me but I did not care at the moment.

He dropped Cyrus's bag and turned to square up with me.

"Why should I?" he asked all tough like.

"Because he did nothing wrong, you have no right to treat him like this", there was a crowd forming around to see what is going on.

"Phtf", he turned and looked at Cyrus and said "Look gay boy your little crush is over here trying to defend you".

Then he turned to face me again and added "Why are you trying to defend this gay loser anyway? Do you love him too?".

I was speechless, do I get it over with and tell them, or do I lie.

I had to do something, I looked around and saw Andi and Buffy coming back with a teacher.

I didn't even see them leave the table.

The teacher exclaimed "All of you get to class except for you three", pointing me, Cyrus, and the bully down with her extended finger.

All the students left, and went to class as they were told.

"Come with me" the teacher says to us.

I felt a sinking feeling of regret for what I just got myself into.

We walked in silence as she took us to the dreaded principal's office.

She knocked on the door, "Come in" Mr. Metcalf said.

We all got seated in front of his desk except for the teacher, which was standing off to the side of his desk.

She tells him "These three students were supposedly in a bullying incident".

"Okay thanks, I will take it from here" he responds back to her.

She exits the room leaving us to face the principal.

"One you care to explain what happened" the principal asks, clearly annoyed with us already.

Why did he even become a principal, when he dislikes kids?

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