"Your father is coming tomorrow ," was the announcement made when I got home on the tenth of November.

"Oh. Okay. What for?"

"I have some important information for him. And he should probably meet you."

"Right. I'll be upstairs."

As I was examining some cells under my microscope, I heard footdteps, then the door opened.

"You're unsure. About Sherlock coming, or something else? "

"I think I'm unsure about what I'm unsure about. I don't like it. I'm not used to this feeling."

"I find it beneficial to simply go without feelings."

"Yeah, unfortunately, unlike you, I'm not a reptile. "

"A reptile? I've been called that once before."

"Not surprising."

"I'll leave you to it. "

My leg was juggling in anticipation when I heard the doorbell ring. I made to get up, but Mycroft gestured for my to sit.

"I like to make him come to me. You should know that, as an oldest sibling."

The man who entered the room moments later was talk and thin, and has a penetrating look in his eyes, just like Mycroft.


"Sherlock. This is Magnus. I thought I'd introduce me before we get down to business. Magnus, this is your father, my younger brother, Sherlock Holmes."

I was scrutinised by Sherlock, "Oh, hello. You're a bit short to be related to me."

"Hello, you're a bit tall to be related to me. I'm related to my mum as well. You probably can't remember, but she's short."

Mycroft chuckled audibly. "Yes, perhaps Sherlock and I should begin our debriefing."

"And why can't I listen in?"

"Because it's highly classified information. "

"So is everything you do," I remarked on my way out.

"Magnus. Good name. Starts with the same letter as Mycroft though, so perhaps not such a good name. "

Sherlock and I were on a walk in the woods at the back of Mycroft's property.

"Mycroft says you're a detective."

"Consulting detective. The only one in the world. I made it up. "

"What does Mycroft do?"

"You haven't asked him? He'd tell you he holds a minor position in the British government. That's a lie. "

I internally raised an eyebrow.

"He is the British government. When he's not to busy being the British Secret Service, that is. "

"Right, and er, how did he manage that?"

Sherlock stopped walking and stared at me for a moment.

"No-one ever asks that. "

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