[Chapter 8]

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We sat away from each other, thinking of what we did. I watched the others come back, somehow together. They looked concerned as they came closer, opening the doors. "You guys ok?" Namjoon asked. "Y-yeah." Jungkook replied quickly, though stuttering. I furrowed my brows, wondering where I went wrong. "You guys don't look ok.." Jin added, noticing my expression. "We are..really."

Hoseok turned to Taehyung, whispering into his ear. Taehyung nodded, before pushing me over to Jungkook so he could get in with Hoseok at the very back of the van. Jungkook and I never made eye contact, though I tried to. Jin got in the passenger seat, Namjoon in the driver's seat, and Yoongi sat beside us. The drive back to our homes were quiet, especially when I had to leave. I ran in, not bothering to say any farewells. I slammed the door shut, kicked my shoe off and ran to my room, tears pricking my eyes. I walked off to my computer, wanting to watch cat videos to calm down. I suddenly remembered the gift Jungkook gave me and pulled it out of (thin air)- no. My bag. I put it on my desk, winding it before letting tears roll down my cheeks.

I woke up to Discord notifications, realising I've fallen asleep to the melody for the night. I looked up to my computer, checking who it was.


Tae: Jungkookie said he's sorry for what he did

Tae: hello?

Tae: oh btw he meant what happened in the van

Tae: Ya'll kissed and never told me smh

Tae: when you wake up, I wanna let you know he asked you out on a date :)

(I sighed, typing.)

MocJi: I'm not up for a date

Tae: Wait what? But you two are so cute together!

(I was shocked at how quick Taehyung responded.)

MocJi: I guess.. But he doesn't like me back

Tae: excuse me- you just indirectly confessed

("Fuck." I cussed, slamming my head onto the table.)

MocJi: no. no I dindt

MocJi: didn't*

Tae: haha cute

Tae: anywho, just go out with kook for today. He wants to make it up to you

Tae: and I'm pretty sure he returns your feelings ;))))))

MocJi: fine..


I got up, quickly showering. I heard my desktop go off again, probably Taehyung. I put on some casual wear, walking to my desktop.


Tae: btw, he'll come over to pick you up - aww so sweet...

MocJi: gosh taehyung.


I turned on my heel, snatching my phone off the desk before leaving to the living room. After a while, I heard the doorbell go off. I got up and opened the door. "Hi!" He greeted cheerfully, though his appearance said otherwise. "Jungkook? Are you ok?" I asked, watching him hurriedly shove a Yellow Acacia into my hands. I held it gently, smiling. "You know what? Come in first." He stepped in, taking off his shoes. "Sit here and wait for me." I instructed, moving off to put the flower in an empty flower pot- my previous plant died. I grabbed the comb beside it, rushing back to Jungkook. I gently brushed his messy hair, smiling as I watched him look around in confusion.

I put it down, once I find that his hair was neat. I grabbed a handkerchief from the hangers, wetting it. I moved back to the confused Jungkook, wiping his face. "What are yo-" He was cut off as the cloth goes over his lips. "I'm just helping." I responded, knowing what he'll ask. I put the cloth onto the table, pulling him up. "Ok! So. Where is it that you wanted to go..?" I asked from Taehyung's information. "I didn't actually plan that but- erm.. Movie?" He asked. "Sure. We can just watch it here. We don't have to go and buy the tickets." He plopped back down onto the couch, watching me grab the remote. I turned the television on, walking to a shelf. "So what movie?"

"How about... Err... The Shining?" He suggested. I pulled out a DvD, slotting the disk in. I skipped over to him, sitting beside him. As the movie progresses, I got scared. I jumped into Jungkook, who surprisingly hugged back. The movie ended an hour later, only then I realised our position. I was laying on his chest as he hugged me, holding me close. "Uhm..Should I-"

"No. Let's just stay like this." Jungkook held me closer, though it didn't seem possible. We stayed like that for a good few minutes, before I felt his grip loosened. I slowly left his grip, realising he was asleep as I walked off to grab a blanket. I covered him with it and pulled my phone out.


Tae added MocJi to a private DM group.

Tae: so how was the day with jk?

PinkJin: yeah I'm curious

MocJi: I guess it was ok. We didn't go out but we watched the shining in my house

Tae: tell me you used protection

Namjoon: christ..

MocJi: No omg




MocJi: shit


PinkJin: i'll support you, jimin

Namjoon: right behind you jin <3

PinkJin: <3

Tae: take your lovey dovey bullfuckery into your bedroom

PinkJin: istg this kid needs some discipline

Namjoon: i need discipline

PinkJin: stop

MocJi: Jungkook is asleep now.. and I'm unsure on what to do with him.

PinkJin: kiss him on the forehead

PinkJin: it's what makes him happy


If it's what makes him happy, then sure. I heard my phone getting bombarded with notifications, but I ignored it. I leaned over to Jungkook, before remembering what happened last night. I gulped, moving away. I watched his lips slowly curl downwards, feeling bad.




Tae: on the "head" not the forehead dumbass

PinkJin: oh my god I will kill you


MocJi: I couldn't... We kissed but he looked so upset when I did it

PinkJin: wait you made the move?

MocJi: yeah

Namjoon: it's ok. it was his first

MocJi: wait omg what

Tae: yep! I've seen him get close to girls, but failed horribly. but my bby is now bisexual lmaoo

YourHope: give him a kiss silly


I huffed, moving over to Jungkook. I leaned in...

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