Chapter One - Another Mutant

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Oxford, England 1952

Oxford was a gorgeous place, it really was. It was home to one of the most prestigious universities in the world and a young English woman, Evelyn Hart, had had the privilege to study there for two years already. The beauty of the old buildings of stone and wonderful large wooden rooms that were decorated with such care always brought a smile to Evelyn's face. At that moment in time Evelyn was walking through the streets, her side bag laden down by her seemingly endless books, searching for the local pub "The Daffodil". The young brunette was stead fast on her academia and staying out of crowds but she needed a drink ... badly.

Quickly, the twenty year old found herself entering the local pub that of course was full of mainly students. All of them gathered in their huddles, drinks flowing, conversations thriving - just the first couple of steps to idiotic drunken mistakes. Almost immediately Evelyn's mind opened to them all and she was hit with information from every person in the room. Whoever she looked at she knew if they possessed special abilities (had mutated X-genes) and what their powers were or if they did not. As usual the pub was full of humans.

Thankfully Evelyn was able to find a seat at the bar where she quickly ordered a whiskey. She scanned the many groups of people once again as she waited for the glass to be placed before her. A part of Evelyn was envious of the obvious friendship groups and joy around her but on the other hand she knew that she just couldn't have that. 'Hide your powers, never let anyone see, they can't hurt you if they don't know', the mantra she had been taught from a young age had always kept the already shy woman from big groups. If she lost control of her powers and she suddenly used them everything would fall around her.

Soon enough a glass was placed in front of her with the lovely liquid inside. With a quick thank you offered to the barman along with the money, Evelyn picked up the glass and took a sip of the golden alcohol. She definitely needed that drink. As Evelyn studied her drink she suddenly felt a tug from her powers. Her head shot up as she felt two non-humans in the pub. Evelyn's mind faulted as she felt not only a shapeshifter among the crowd but a telepath (and a strong one at that). She had to leave; the last non-human she had met had scarred her for life.

Quickly, Evelyn's eyes darted around, she had to avoid them especially the telepath. In a frantic matter Evelyn's eyes darted from one face to another trying to find them. Suddenly the presence of the telepath was directly behind her. Spinning around Evelyn's eyes collided with the back of a man who was wearing what looked like a suit. Evelyn watched as the man placed his fingers against his head before he spoke out to the barman.

"Norman, pint of bitter for me and brandy for the lady, please."

"How did you know that?" the young lady who the telepath was flirting with replied. Evelyn couldn't see who she was but she guessed the woman was a beautiful blonde.

"Lucky guess. Name's Xavier. Charles Xavier" he announced holding his hand out for the lovely lady. Of course, the girl took his hand. "How do you do?"

Evelyn listened into their conversation for a moment, however, quickly she realised this was her opportunity to get away. With the telepath distracted, Evelyn slowly began to gather her things. As long as she could keep quiet, her thoughts included, she would get passed the telepath and out of the pub without detection. With her bags gathered, Evelyn quickly downed the last of her whiskey and gently placed the glass down before she went to leave.

"Hi. Guess I have to buy my own drink" a voice joined in ... a voice belonging to a shapeshifter. Evelyn started to panic; she had to leave now.

"I'm sorry. One cola" the man announced and stepped backwards so that he could face this new person but the man stepped back into Evelyn. At the collision Evelyn stumbled backwards and began to fall over her chair that had been behind her. Evelyn braced herself for the inevitable impact. However, instead of hitting the floor Evelyn found herself in someone's arms, her chest pressed against their own.

Her powers activated immediately at the touch of the other person. Evelyn gasped as her hands shimmered and she felt her mind open like she had never felt before. She could suddenly hear thoughts, everyone's thoughts all jumbled up in her head. Looking up Evelyn found herself staring at a beautiful man, his brown locks captivating but his blue piercing eyes even more so. Unfortunately, her powers confirmed that he was the telepath and that she had just copied his power!

"Are you alright, love?" he asked with a smile that Evelyn was not going to forget and an English accent that she loved - he sounded so knowledgeable and powerful. She may have been English and had a similar accent but his was beautiful.

"Fine" she choked out before she gave the man a quick smile. Whilst she could spend a lifetime staring at this telepath she had to leave - the good looking ones were always trouble. Realising she was still within his arms Evelyn stepped backwards with an awkward chuckle. "I'll just be going."

'He's a telepath, run' she thought too loudly, scolding herself for not moving. But she quickly realised her mistake. The man's eyes widened as her thought echoed through his head; she had projected her thought which meant he had heard it. Evelyn's eyes widened before she dashed out of his arms, easily escaping due to his moment of shock.

"Wait!" his voice called after her whilst Evelyn raced out of the pub faster than she ever had before. Pushing through the people with panic racing through her; they were going to catch her. Soon enough Evelyn was hit by a wave of cold air, looking over her shoulder she noticed the man was following her through the crowd. Swearing, Evelyn darted down the street, running as fast as she could.

"Charles!" Another voice called after them, informing Evelyn she had not at all lost telepath.

"Wait please!" his voice echoed through her head.

"Get out of my mind!" Evelyn ordered. Using her newly acquired telepathy, her fear guiding her, she brought up a wall in her mind and closed the man off. Everyone was watching her in shock as she ran passed them, breathing heavily and red cheeked. She had to get away; she really wished she had invisibility at that moment or mind control...

"Mind control" Evelyn muttered. Reacting on instinct Evelyn stopped and turned around. Charles was still running towards her. Dropping the shield she had put around her mind, she lifted her fingers to the side of her head like she had seen him do in the pub before he had done his 'magic trick'. However, since she dropped her shield Charles had access to her mind, he read it immediately and discovered her plan.

"Don't!" Evelyn concentrated on his mind and manipulated what he saw and heard. Charles stumbled to a stop as Evelyn magically disappeared from his vision. Evelyn watched for a moment as Charles swore whilst he looked around trying to find any sign of Evelyn. As she studied the man she began to think maybe he wasn't like Schmidt.

However, as a blonde bombshell arrived behind the telepath Evelyn immediately knew she was a shapeshifter. She had to leave; she didn't know how much longer she could keep his mind changed especially since she now had to alter the blonde's as well. As quietly as she could Evelyn ran from the scene leaving a frustrated and bewildered Charles Xavier and Raven Darkholme behind.

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