Chapter Five - A Moment To Effect Everything

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"I'm so sorry."

The words continued to echo through Evelyn's mind. When she had first heard those words a tear had ran down her face as the memories of Camp Zero had raced through her mind. She had shown Charles more of her memories even though it hurt and it seemed that the telepath had finally understood. In return Evelyn read his mind (on his demand) and found the answers as to why Charles wanted to meet her. She finally believed that he was just interested in her, he did not want her for her powers, he was not Schmidt but she was still slightly apprehensive.

Yet somehow, for some reason Evelyn found herself stood, in one of the more expensive parts of Oxford, outside a beautiful building that clearly had several old-fashioned apartments inside. The neat garden and beautifully painted walls sang praise for what was to come. Evelyn made her way up the small stoned path to the door which had a selection of bells beside it. She rang the bell to the apartment Charles' had given her. Swiftly the man himself answered the door dressed in his usual smart attire.

"Evelyn" he greeted with a relieved smile - she had actually came. Evelyn took a deep breath and clung to her bag tightly.

"Hi Charles" she replied politely. A part of her still believed this idea was stupid but another part of her was compelled to completely trust Charles.

"Please come in" Charles said as he stepped back out of the way and allowed Evelyn to walk into the well lit and clean home. She knew it was going to be like this. Soon enough Charles had led Evelyn into his apartment that was beautiful and even had a living area that had a desk in front of the window, a bookcase across the wall and a fireplace with a roaring fire inside. Clearly, the man had money. Quickly the pair was sitting on the comfortable brown leather couch where Evelyn couldn't help but have a read of the various books that littered the coffee table. Clearly, they were for his dissertation. Charles sat watching Evelyn for a moment before he decided to get all the introductions over and done with.

"My sister would like to meet you if you don't mind" Charles said from his place beside her. Evelyn's gaze locked with Charles', she really wasn't sure how to deal with the situation. There was obviously a hidden meaning behind his words - his sister wanted to know what her powers were as well. It was strange for her to be around people who knew about her mutation.

"Err ... sure" Evelyn replied swallowing thickly. She prayed to every god she had ever heard of that she wasn't making a huge mistake. Charles gave Evelyn a smile before he reached over and gave her knee a squeeze of gratitude. With a smile Charles left the room to go and find his sister whilst Evelyn sighed as her leg began to twitch. Her nerves were getting to her and worry was setting in. Why did she trust these people?! What was it about Charles that just made her feel ... safe?

Needing to move Evelyn left her bag and coat upon the couch whilst she rose to her feet and made her way to the library, the books bringing her comfort. There were so many interesting books that lined the shelves and quickly Evelyn found herself immersed in them all, her nerves forgotten about. However, as Evelyn was flicking through a novel the door to the study opened and Charles walked in with the blonde woman Evelyn remembered seeing with Charles the night they met.

"Hi, I'm Raven, Charles' sister" the blonde said as she walked over to Evelyn and held her hand out. Evelyn smiled as she moved the novel into one of her hands, freeing up a hand to shake Raven's outstretched hand.

"Evelyn Hart." However, as Evelyn shook Raven's hand her replication activated and her power copied Raven's X-gene, claiming the power for herself. Raven did not notice but Evelyn certainly felt the exchange. The momentary issue Evelyn faced was that she had no idea what Raven's power was.

"So what is your power? Charles believes its replication" Raven asked, jumping straight in. Charles' eyes widened in horror at Raven's straightforwardness; he still believed Evelyn was a flight risk.

"You don't have to explain right now if you don't want to" Charles reiterated glaring at Raven. Clearly, they had spoken about such a thing before they had entered the room but Raven hadn't listened. Seeing the exchange made Evelyn feel uneasy. She had never admitted what her power was before, never allowed herself to be so vulnerable. However, she couldn't hide forever, right?

"It's ... quite alright" Evelyn said with a smile, though it was slightly forced. Looking towards Charles she used his power of telepathy to communicate with him. To help him see how his words helped. "You were right; I can protect myself if I have to." Charles nodded in understanding. He had said those words earlier that day and they had clearly had an effect on Evelyn, had given her a form of confidence she hadn't felt before. Though she was still scared and she was completely unsure of what was to happen, Evelyn decided to bite the bullet. Turning back to face the blonde, Evelyn found Raven waiting patiently for a reply. "Charles is quite right; I have the power of replication. I can replicate any mutation that I come in contact with."

"Really?" Raven asked intrigued for Evelyn looked completely normal from her brunette curls to her pale, peachy skin. For such a great power Raven had expected some sort of physical sign of her mutation. Wanting to prove of her power, Evelyn read Raven's X-gene and found her power to be the ability to shape-shift. Knowing she had already copied the power, Evelyn activated the copied X-gene she now possessed. Raven and Charles both watched in shock as Evelyn's skin folded in little parts, exactly like Raven's did, and Evelyn changed before their eyes into Raven. But not just any form of Raven, Evelyn had seen Raven's true blue form and had copied it.

Raven had never seen herself before in her blue form, not in this way but there she was. Her short red hair slicked back whilst her entire body was covered in blue skin with her striking yellow eyes. For once, Raven was seeing herself through someone else's eyes. Raven just stared until she realised what Evelyn had actually done. Evelyn had copied her power and then replicated it before her, had used it with seeming ease.

"Excellent" Charles suddenly said. Evelyn turned to look at Charles, leaving Raven's shocked face behind. She had never seen anyone so excited over her powers before. There was a true fascination and joy in Charles' eyes. Not wanting to strain her powers too much Evelyn dropped the disguise and returned to her normal form her eyes locked on Charles the entire time. His reaction to her powers brought the smallest of smiles to Evelyn's face. He found her powers something of a gift and for the first time in her life Evelyn too saw her powers as a gift, as something to be proud of.

What none of them in that moment realised was how much that moment affected everything.

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