Chapter Four - Can I Trust You, Charles?

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Reminder: anything written in Italics is telepathic speech or thoughts. Bold and italicised writing is for memories.


Charles finally knew her name. Evelyn Hart, it suited the woman who had claimed his attention. He had gained a small part of the puzzle that made the young woman up. However, Charles didn't really know what he could do next. He had said he would wait for her to contact him but he didn't know what he would do if she didn't contact him. He was running around in circles it seemed with Evelyn but he firmly believed that it would be all worth it.

Knowing he had to get on with life Charles threw himself back into his work, unfortunately there was always a part of him listening out for Evelyn. Once again Charles was inside his study at his desk with a drink in his hand as he poured over the many books around him. All full of information that he had to run through, change, alter, debate; an arduous task when one was not concentrating solely on the task at hand.

Whilst his mind was on genetics and discovering how genetics manipulated life, Charles heard something - a whisper that sounded like his name. Charles slowly placed his pen back on his desk as he lifted his head up. At first he thought it was Raven but she was not in his study or the bathroom to the right of him. Sitting completely still Charles waited for another noise.


Charles' eyes widened. He had definitely heard that. And more importantly he recognised the voice. The man was momentarily frozen as her voice echoed in his head again. However, Charles couldn't quite believe it, she had contacted him! Why was she contacting him? Taking a deep breath and shifting his position in his seat, Charles brought his fingers to the side of his temple to strengthen the connection between his mind and Evelyn's.

"I'm here" Charles said telepathically, for once unsure of what to say. There was a moment of silence before Charles' head was filled with her sultry voice once more.

"I want to trust you" she started just unsure as him. It was clear that she was struggling with something - that had always been clear. But Charles had no idea how to get her trust him, everything he did always just caused her to run, tense up, force him away. "But I..." He waited for her to continue but the girl didn't.

"What is it that you're scared off?" Charles asked softly. Silence echoed through his mind again and Charles thought that she wouldn't answer but unexpectedly (and thankfully) Evelyn spoke again.

"What you want." Charles didn't understand at all, he just wanted to meet her, get to know her ... why on earth would that scare her? "You aren't the first mutant I've met ... but you seem different than him." Charles frowned. On the one hand he was glad that he was finally getting somewhere with Evelyn and her using his term brought a smile to his face but on the other hand Charles had no idea what she meant. He had never met any other mutant yet it seemed Evelyn had.

"Than who?" Charles asked in earnest.

"A man who wanted me for my power, wanted all of us ... a telepath who tricked us" Evelyn said with great struggle. So it turned out Evelyn had met other mutants. She knew so much more than Charles had thought, she could teach him so much. But what had this 'man' done to Evelyn to scare her so much. Charles had so many questions to ask, he just didn't know where to start. But Evelyn beat him to it. "Can I trust you Charles?"

"Of course. You can trust me with anything" Charles said immediately and without hesitation. He could only hope she believed him. A few seconds later Charles received some strange instructions.

"There was this man named Dr Klaus Schmidt and a telepath ... it might be easier if you look into my memories when I was 12." It was a simple order and one that Charles followed right away. He delved deeper into Evelyn's mind and searched for the memory that Evelyn was concentrating on. Quickly, Charles opened the memory up to see what had happened, who had made Evelyn scared, who this Dr Klaus Schmidt was. He ran through her memories that shocked him to the core until finally he came to her last memory of Camp Zero, the last memory with the telepath.

...Charles frowned as he found himself stood in a large hall, the length of a football pitch, which had glass cages lining the walls. Each cage had some small air holes at the top that carried oxygen and voices to the prisoners inside. And there were many prisoners. In each cage was a different being; some appeared human, others resembled humans but had various features that proved they weren't, and some were completely different. Just like a little blue boy (no older than five) who had sharp pointed teeth and a long blue devil's tail. Charles had never seen anyone like it. However, beside that boy was a cage with a young brunette, green eyed girl who sat curled up alone, her weary head rested against the wall behind her. Charles just knew it was Evelyn.

Slowly Charles made his way over to her cage, placing his hand against the cool glass. She just sat there obviously scared. He wanted to talk to her but he knew he couldn't, that it was just a memory - viewable but untouchable. Slowly, Charles turned around and looked at every cage that held people of various ages. So many mutants, each and every one scared ... and injured.

Suddenly, the only doors to the great hall slammed open and a group of three came walking into the hall with steely gazes. Two of them were guards dressed all in black with guns firmly in their hands whilst the other person, leading the guards, was a young blonde female wearing a completely white outfit. Charles watched as the girl led them straight to Evelyn's cage. Quickly, the guard unlocked the cage and slid open the glass cage door, however, Evelyn made no attempt to move. Charles frowned at her lack of movement. What was wrong with her?

"Hey, come on Dr Schmidt would like to see you" the blonde girl said but still the brunette did not move. With the silence, the blonde girl frowned. And since Charles was in Evelyn's memory he heard another voice, which entered Evelyn's mind. "Why are you ignoring me? You know that we don't want to hurt you; we are just finding how powerful you are. We are dreadfully sorry for those bruises but our tests are necessary. You trusted us before."

One thing was for certain: the blonde girl was a telepath. And Evelyn was not moving. Carefully, the blonde girl moved further into the cage until she was a mere foot away from Evelyn. Charles could never have guessed what would happen next. One minute, Evelyn was as still as anything the next the girl shot to her feet and pounced for the blonde girl. However, the blonde had another power, her body was suddenly turned into diamond - she was practically untouchable. The blonde girl threw Evelyn off her but Charles noticed something else. Evelyn's hands had shimmered when she had touched the blonde girl. Had she copied her power?

After Evelyn's violent break out the blonde quickly left the cage and ordered for her to be locked up. The diamond telepath was furious but Evelyn was smiling. Charles watched as Evelyn suddenly turned her hand into diamond. She had copied her power! Once the party had left, all of the prisoners turned to watch Evelyn. It was like they all had a plan. Charles swallowed thickly at the sight of Evelyn's bruised face, she was hurt badly but she was smiling with joy.

"Let's get out of here" Evelyn said to everyone as she lifted her hand to the glass cage and cut through the glass effortlessly with her diamond hand. With a simple push, the glass fell and Evelyn was out of her cage, they're escape could finally begin...

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