Epilogue - A Bright Future

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Last chapter, here we go!


Oxford, England, 31/12/1954

Even weeks later Evelyn still loved seeing the two bands that sat around her fourth finger, shining with the sign she was married. It was still unbelievable to her that she was married to Charles Xavier, hell she was Evelyn Xavier now which was still strange for her but she loved it nonetheless. At that moment in time the newly married couple were sat upon their couch, Evelyn tucked into Charles' side listening to the man read. It was a strange thing, but the action reminded her of her childhood when her parents used to read to her. And frankly hearing the words "you must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you" coming from Charles' mouth was perfect - he was her own Mr Darcy.

The quiet solitude of their apartment was a great contrast to the parties that were flooding the country. It was New Year's Eve and everyone was ushering in the new year with drinks, kisses and noise. Evelyn however had just wanted to enter the new year with her husband; she wanted it to be about them and not everyone else. Raven had graciously decided to go celebrate new year's with everyone else - she had overheard the couple speaking of their plans and had realised that they just wanted to be alone.

Quite suddenly, the peace that presided over their apartment exploded as the sounds of fireworks and cheering reached Evelyn's and Charles' ears. Evelyn heard Charles stop reading, as she looked up she saw Charles staring at the bright colours that lit up the sky. The fireworks were a sight to behold. Slowly she watched as he turned his head to face her.

"Happy New Year's, Love."

"Happy New Year" Evelyn replied softly back before she pushed herself up and kissed her husband for the first time on New Year's Eve. It was the perfect way to start the year. As she slowly pulled back she watched a smile light up Charles' face. She was pretty certain her face held the same look. "So what do you think our new year will hold?"


Winchester, America, January 1955

Their new year came with a bag full of surprises. A couple of weeks into the year and Charles had received notification that an aunt of his had died leaving the Xavier Mansion to him in America. It had been a shock to both Charles and Evelyn, Charles didn't even know he had an aunt. The house had originally been left to Charles' mother but the woman had declined it and sent it to her son. After a confusing debate, Evelyn and Charles had decided to go and see the house they had inherited.

Upon driving up to the estate, Evelyn had been gobsmacked. The place was huge and beautiful with perfectly trimmed green grass and plants that surrounded the mansion. Once they had gotten inside, Evelyn found herself staring at a perfect old-fashioned house, with a grand staircase, wooden floors, the place filled with everything a house needed. It was a beautiful property but the question was: what were they to do with it? There was a variety of options left open to Charles and Evelyn on what to do with the property. They had the money to maintain it and use it as a holiday home, they could sell the property or they could even move to live in the property. Evelyn wasn't certain about moving to Winchester purely because it meant she had to leave her beloved England but if Charles wanted to, she would move, for him - or so she thought.

The couple had decided to spend a few days staying at the house whilst they chose what to do - well whilst Charles chose what to do. One morning, Evelyn woke up in the large king-sized bed alone. Disappointed in not being able to cuddle with her husband, Evelyn rubbed her eyes before she scanned the room for any sign of the man. Swiftly, her eyes connected with what she wanted. She felt a smile come to her face as she watched her man drinking his coffee whilst staring out of the window at the beautiful grounds the estate held.

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