Bløød sat closest to the bars. The people he was with were dreadful. He could hardly even bear with them now- they stripped him of his gloves. He couldn't teleport out, Earth drained his power. The homos walked up to him, laughing and whispering to each other before finally saying something.
"Look at this, another wimp," One of them said, snorting as they laughed.
If the size of their ego didn't bother him, he wouldn't have said anything; only, it did. "Right, look who's talking," he said, his emotionless persona coming back out, his emotions hiding away from real worlds problems.
The man paused for a moment, then threw a punch. Subconsciously, Bløød's original form restored immediately - but with something new. Black feathered wings. He missed the feel of his wings. He shoved the man's head through the bars easily, trapping him. He opened his mouth to shout for help but Bløød silenced him by covering his mouth.
"Shshshshhh," Bløød soothed, "If you scream, I will snap your neck, okay?" He waited for him to nod before he uncovered it. He continued in a baby voice, making sure he knew Bløød was superior to him. "You want me to pull you out?"
The man said in a whispery, pleading voice. "Please."
Bløød yanked him out mercilessly, his neck popping. The man dropped to the floor and sobbed to himself. The king looked at everyone and chuckled in his head. They were all huddled in the corner farthest away from him. He probably looked like the Devil himself, ready to put them under his arm and take them to the underworld. "My name is Bløød. You will address me as if I were your king, unless you want to end up like this guy." He pointed to the man on the ground.
After the man regained his composure, he stood up and held out his hand. "I... I'm Subaru, and my brother over there-" he pointed to a short albino boy with eyes that reminded him of Jorn's hair. Thundercloud gray. "That's Shu."
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Muttered Bløød.
"You really do have the manners of a king, did your siblings or friends behave that way around you?" Shu asked quietly.
He chuckled. "I am a king, just in a different world," Before he allowed them to even take a breath to laugh at how tacky that sounded, he added quickly. "And if you want proof, use your fucking eyes. Do humans have wings?" He fluttered them as proof that they're not a fake. "No, they don't."
"I- is your name really Bløød?" Subaru asked
He shifted uncomfortably, then put his back to the wall, sitting criss cross applesauce. He sat like that everywhere- chairs, floors, beds, couches, on top of tables. If he didn't, it would make him edgier. Sitting normally in a high up chair made his legs ache. "No," he replied finally. "It's kind of like my... maiden name. Only, for my first name. When I moved from one land- Cloud, which was my birthplace- to another- Strhing, where I became king - my name was changed. It's like I got married."
They looked at him blankly. The analogy was supposed to make them understand, but it only made it worse. He should've just stuck with 'no.'
His thoughts were broken by a loud clang. His brother was tossed in with his horns back on, stripped of his large crimson sweater and alien shorts. He now wore the gloomy prison attire they all wore. When a look of superiority even touched Subaru's face, Bløød let out a guttural growl, making everyone in the cell jump. "Don't even think about it."
"Who is he," Subaru squeaked, his eyes apologizing profusely.
Bløød didn't feel a spot of sympathy. He looked at his brother and they exchanged looks. Why are you here? Bløød asked through his thoughts, and Flapjack replied; uh, I came here for you.
"Flapjack, I got this," He shouted hotly. "You could've just went home."
His eyes dropped to the ground and he could feel his cheeks warming in humiliation. Bløød never shouted at him when he was upset, not in front of other people at least. He went over to a bench and sat, avoiding eye contact from everyone.Bløød licked his gloved fingers and touched the metal bars, melting them underneath his touch. "Flapjack, run with everyone but Subaru and Shu, I'll take them." He sucked in his breath and hopped up, not looking at his brother. He parted, making sure the two prisoners weren't trying anything clever.
Castle of Demons
General FictionKing Bløød and Prince Flapjack adventure the world of Unnamed, picking up a few friends and enemies on the way, playing with time, and bending the rules of physics a tad.