Sleepover Part 1

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You walk in the host club to see them already hosting. You grab your things and change into the outfit they picked out for you. Walking onto the stage, you play your songs and everyone claps (sorry this is so rushed).

After the guests leave, Hikaru and Kaoru come up to you and say, "Hey, Y/N-chan! Can we come over your house after the club?"

"No." You say without hesitation. Thank god it was Friday, you needed a break from the twins. And also Tamaki.

"But we want to see what it looks like!"

"Yes!" Tamaki interjects. "I have had the same idea! We should pay our respects to your family!" You stiffen slightly at that comment, and see Kyoya give you a look that held a twinge of sympathy. Well, as much sympathy as Kyoya can give.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Haruhi asks, walking over.

Your palms become slightly sweaty and you say,"Well, I'm an...orphan."

Everyone but Mori and Kyoya stare, white as sheets.

Tamaki collapses on the ground in shame, clasping his hands together like he's praying, and shrieks, "Y/N! PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR BRINGING UP SUCH A TERRIBLE SUBJECT! I DIDN'T KNOW!! I DIDN'T KN-"

"Shut up!" You smack him on the head sharply. "I didn't tell you, so of course you wouldn't have known. Even if you did, I'm mostly over it. After all, it has been about...what, 8 years? It was tragic, but I'm fine now." You console him. He whimpers, but stands and hugs you. Hikaru and Kaoru soon follow suit, not wanting him to be the only one getting a hug.

"Erm...guys? You can stop now." You say. They had been hugging you awkwardly for a good 2 minutes, and it was making you uncomfortable. They didn't stop, so you continued, "Really, guys. Stop." You wait for them to comply, gritting your teeth. This is an unwanted touch. "Get off!" You say, wriggling around beneath their arms. They just tightened their grip. Trying to stand up, you attempted to push away their arms. Giving up, you yelled, "Mori-senpai! Help!" He looked over at you, and when he saw your predicament, he zoomed over and swept you out of their hold. Setting you on the ground, he patted your head. "Thanks Mori-senpai!" You say, smiling up at him.

"W-why does she never smile" Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki say.

You hear them and say, "Because y'all are fucking annoying." They all go to the emo corner. "Sorry, but it's kinda true..." You reveal to them the bitter truth.

"We just wanted to make you feel better..." Kaoru and Hikaru say sadly. Then they pull out the ultimate weapon. Tamaki looks over...

And gives you the fucking puppy dog eyes.

Sweatdropping, you avoid his gaze. Hikaru and Kaoru smirk, knowing they've won. You turn away and stalk off, sitting in the corner farthest away from them.

After a while, you sneak a look, expecting them to have stopped. To your dismay, you see Tamaki staring at you. With. The. Eyes. You finally break. "Fine~ you did make me feel better, and I'll let you hug meh..." You look away and pout. "But don't get any ideas. I still hate you."

"Awwww!~ Tsundere Y/N is the CUTEST!!"


"Alright, alright. Somebody's touchy." The twins say. Seeing the time, you give a breath of relief. 

"It looks like it's time for me to go." You gather your things, gleefully hopping out the door and escaping the host club. As you leave, the host club's smiles disintegrate into nothing.

"Poor Y/N-chan! She's all alone!" Honey says as he hugs Mori. Mori nods, keeping his stoic look.

"Kyoya! Do you know anything about what happened?" Tamaki asks.

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