Day Out Part 2

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Heh. Sorry it took so long, I've been having a bad case of writer's block. Sigh.

"What do you guys want to do now?" You ask. All of you were currently sitting at the table the twins and you had found the others at. The sounds of people chatting and the smell of cotton candy drifted through the light breezes.

You all were bunched at a small table that displayed a nice view of the park.

"Maybe that giant rollercoaster that goes really high?" The twins say.

"Hell no, bitches. I was thinking more like..." you look around. "That." You stick your finger towards a small kiddy ride that only went a few feet off the ground.

The twins frown. "Seriously? That's the kind of ride you go on?"

"Not all of us can be reckless dare devils like you." You pout.

"I'll go on that ride with you, Y/N-chan!" Honey offers happily, hopping up and down in his seat like a human bouncy-ball.

"Really?" You say excitedly.

"Yup!" Honey confirms. He eats the rest of his cake that magically appeared before him. "Do you want to come too, Takashi?" He asks. Mori nods with a stoic face.

"Well then, it is decided! Y/N, Mori, and Honey will go on the baby ride, and we will go to the adult one!" Tamaki says.

"It is not for babies!" You say angrily. "It's just smaller! SAY IT! I'M NOT GOING ON A BABY RIDE!" You grab his collar and pull him close to you. "Don't test me, Suoh."

He sweats nervously and nods rapidly. "Y-yes! You're not g-going on a baby ride!"

"Good," You reply nonchalantly, releasing him like nothing ever happened. You brush imaginary dust from your clothes and take Honey's hand.

He suddenly looks up to you and asks sweetly, "Can you carry me?"

"Aww, of course!" You fangirl mentally and pick him up, smiling as he hugs you and rests his head on your shoulder. A blush rises to your cheeks as you remember he's actually older than you.

You couldn't see it, but the entire host club (minus Mori) was giving him their best death glares. He just giggled.

"Let's go, Y/N-chan!" Honey commands. And with that simple order, you were off.


"Finally!" You groan. "Who knew a line for a kid's ride would be so long."

You and Honey sit side by side on the little train after waiting for twenty minutes. The ride itself was short and sweet, and in your opinion, hardly worth the wait. It went extremely slow, about the pace of a person walking.

At least it's not a million feet up in the air, you remind yourself, thinking of the vomiting mess you would become after all those loops a thousand feet up.

Mori was waiting by the exit gate, apparently he was too tall for the tiny train. You thank him for waiting as you and Honey dismount the cart, and he just nods and leads you both to a little table in the shade.

Settling down so you were comfortable, you realize how hungry you are. It has been a few hours since you last ate, and all that ice cream was probably digested by now.

Your gaze falls on a nice looking cotton candy booth, and your eyes brighten as you stare at it.

And then reality hits you like a thick slab of concrete; you had no money, and you weren't brave enough to ask Honey or Mori to buy you one. Why was life so cruel?

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