chapter 9;

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Abigail's POV;

I slowly opened my eyes rubbing my stiff neck in the process. Sleeping against the wall was not a good idea. No dip Sherlock! SHUT UP! Stupid brain... I stood up careful not to wake the boys next to me. Harrry's head was tilted back against the wall with Louis's head on his shoulder, while Niall was just sprawled out on the floor next to where I just got up from. I peered over at the couch to spot Zayn still sound asleep on the couch. Aw- no! No thoughts!!

"Guess Liam was the only one to go to an actual bed last night..." I mumbled sleepily. "Great now I'm talking to myself... still talking to myself... Shut up self!" There. Much better.

"I think it's kinda cute when you talk to yourself." I jumped grabbing a mop that was left on the kitchen counter and pointed towards the sound of the voice. "SORRY! I-I didn't mean to scare you!" Zayn's eyes were wide staring intently at the end of the mop I was still pointing at him.

"Sorry." I mumbled, "Reflexes..."

"It's cool..." He smiled slightly and leaned against the counter next to me. "So uhh why are you up so early?"

"Sleeping against a wall isn't the best place to sleep..."

"Yet Harry and Louis seem to sleep on it....'

"Strange boys...." I mumbled. "I still can't believe Niall slept on the floor all night! I can't even sleep on a floor for five minutes. I-I mean like just lay-laying there... On the floor..." I stuttered trying to keep an awkward silence from coming onto us. Zayn chuckled. I glanced over at him.

"Ya know your sister does the same thing you do...." He said. Uh sister my sister or me think! No wait listen! "She stuttered yesterday, when things got... uh... awkward... I guess" I smiled a small smile to say.

"Ye-Yea kinda weird..." I looked down admiring the floor.

"Was your sister, Abigail, Close at all to Liam?" My eyes widened. Luckily I was still looking at the floor and hopefully he didn't notice.

"Wh-what makes you think th-they were?" I stuttered. I always stutter when I'm nervous.

"Well when we asked Liam if he knew her he said no and he, um, well cracks the fingers on his left hand which he does when he lies and I was uhh wondering why he was lying?" zayn struggled to find the right words.

"We-well I think th-they might have been close when they were younger.... maybe?" I said trying not to give away anything.

"Charlotte..." Zayn spoke slowly lifting my chin so I had to look at him.

"Th-they might have be-been met a f-few ti-times..." I mumbled under my breath looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Charlotte your lying." Thank you Caption Obvious! AND LIE BETTER! I looked around frantically trying to come up with a lie.

"TICKLEMEELMO!" I yelled and walked out the door. Shoot... That went great! Yea! Totally!

I walked back to my apartment Shoot shoot shootity shoot shoot! Please Zayn don't say anything I said to the others! I sent a silent message to Zayn from my head. It's 11:30 on Saturday.... I gotta find away to avoid the boys for the day... or at least Zayn. I threw my wig onto the cookie jar, an headed to the bathroom. Soon I had taken out the blue contacts and all of my makeup. I showered and was dressed in comfy sweats, Abigail’s style.



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