Gone Fishing (Rp)

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(Author'sNote:Replace Goku with Gozek and Gohan with Fred and their in their base form.)
Gozek: You ready to do some fishing?
Bardock:I only came here for the fish...*he soon gets elbowed in the stomach by Gine*
Gozek:Gramps, we're ALL here for the fish....and luckily, I chose a perfect spot...right here!
21(who's also holding Azuki):Are you sure Gozek? There are a lot of dinosaurs around here...
Gozek:Which is exactly why I chose this spot, a lot of them are fish eaters so if we're close by we'll get plenty of fish, and besides, we can easily defend ourselves.
Fred: Hey bro...what's going on over there...?
*the others look and notice a tyrannosaurus walking over to the spinosaurs....*

Gozek:...Well That was something.....

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