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"Holy shit Dal, you an addict or something?" Fallon asked picking up pill bottles. One with Xanax, the other with Adderall.

"No! It's for my anxiety..." she snapped grabbing the bottle from her hand.

"Sorry...Anyhow, that bathing suit is not good enough," Fallon said switching the subject.

"I agree," Cassidy said, her eyes refusing to look away from her phone.

"Whats wrong with it?" Dallas asked, throwing her hands up.

"I don't need to really tell you why, right?" Cas snickered. "Put this one on."

Cassidy set her phone down long enough to rummage through her bag, pulling out a sleek black bikini.

"Thanks Cas," Dallas said catching it midair.

"No, problem," she smiled, returning to her phone.

"Is that Fangs?" Fallon said in a sing song voice.

"Maybe..." Cassidy grinned, her hand instinctively running over the Serpent tattoo on her thigh.

"Let's go! Brooks is outside waiting for us," Fallon said jumping up from her spot on Dallas' bed.

The three girls met Brooks outside the house, his car's top down.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Mayfield. Seems like you know how to make an entrance. I'd keep him Fallon," Cassidy said jumping into the back seat of the convertible.

"I plan on it," Fallon grinned kissing a grinning Brooks.

Brooks drove to Cheryl's, music blaring from the speakers.

Dallas bolted from the car and entered the backyard. Music was playing and people were splashing around in the pool.

Dallas searched around for Reggie, but instead she caught Sweet Pea and Josie lip locked. Dallas shook it off, finally spotting Reggie throwing a football back and forth with Archie.

Dallas ran to him, a light in her eyes. She leapt onto him, knocking him flat on his back. Dallas straddled his waist, her hands on his chest.

"Hey babe," Dallas said with a laugh.

Reggie groaned, looking up at her. The sun created a glow around her head, and she looked like a damn angel. Sweet Pea looked over from the spot where Josie had been, and he too thought Dallas looked like an angel. But he always thought she did.

"What're you doing wasting time as a Vixen, when you could be a Bulldog Dallas," Archie laughed. "You just sacked our quarterback."

"I'll think about it," Dallas laughed, her eyes never leaving Reggie.

He grinned and sat up placing kisses all over her face.

"You two are sickening," Cheryl said.

"Oh and you two aren't?" Dallas smirked, gesturing to her and Toni.

Fangs bolted into view, panic on his face. Jughead and Sweet Pea were quickly by his side. Hot Dog had been dognapped by Penny and the Ghoulies.

"I have to go....but I'll be back later. Movies at your house, right?" Dallas said quickly standing up.

"Yeah, be careful," Reggie said, kissing her slowly on the mouth.

"You coming? Or not?" Sweet Pea snapped.

It was the first thing he had said to her in months. A violent chill ran down the length of her spine. His voice was strangely comforting. Even after the time they had spent apart, he still had that effect on her.

"Yes! I am," she snapped back.

She ran to catch up with her friends. It wasn't all to long before she was standing in front of Malachai, Penny and their motley crew. Dallas stood firmly next to Fangs, someone she had become increasingly close to. She had never thought about the idea of cousins, but now that she had one, she was extremely grateful for one. 

"Dally baby, long time no see," Mikey piped up from next to Malachai. 

"If you couldn't get this before, you definitely can't get it now," Dallas shouted back, her confidence backed by the other Serpents. 

Mikey's black eyes scanned over the group of teenagers and settled on Cassidy. "Oh shit, they got you too Cas? Shame."

Cassidy's skin crawled. She had really only told Dallas about her Ghoulie past, and wanted it kept that way. However it seemed Mikey had other plans. 

"Keep her name out of your mouth!" Fangs snapped. Dallas rested a hand on the back of his shirt, trying to keep him calm. 

"Thats not the only thing of hers thats been in my mouth," Mikey laughed. 

In a split second, an arrow whizzed through the air, striking deep in Mikey's shoulder. He growled in pain, hissing at the bleeding wound. 

"You're a waste of space, not to mention you bore me," Cheryl said swiftly, her bow and arrow aimed at Mikey's head. 

"Huh, so it's gonna be like that Jones?" Penny snickered. 

"Aim the next one right between Penny's eyes Cheryl. Cheryl only misses when she wants to," Jughead threatened. 

With Hot Dog secured and safe, the group retreated back to the Northside. Cassidy, obviously shaken, requested a trip to Pops. Dallas and Fallon agreed, and the trio went off to get food. 

Cindy and Teddy were already there, a sickly aura of love around them. "Get a room," Dallas said with an eye roll. 

"Dallas Blaire! Manners," her mom said, though Dallas knew she didn't mean it..

"Whats on the agenda today girls?" Teddy asked. 

"Lunch, maybe watch movies at the house. If thats okay with you?" Dallas asked. 

"Fine with me, go on and have fun." 

The girls got their food to go and walked to Dallas' house not too far away. They popped in The Breakfast Club and vowed to watch all the greatest 80's hits they could. 

"You got something for my head? It's pounding," Cassidy asked halfway through Grease. 

"Yeah, I'll be right back."

Dallas skipped over to her kitchen and began digging in drawers and cabinets searching for the ibuprofen. She yanked on a drawer and found it odd that it was locked. She tugged some more before grabbing her pocketknife. She jammed at the lock until it broke free. Inside was a stack of papers. Dallas grabbed them an riffled few the first few. It seemed like they were a mixture of receipts and envelopes. All from the same two people, W. M. Wiley and T. J. Wiley. 

Dallas had never known anyone who shared her mothers maiden name. She honestly hadn't a clue as to who they are. She was disappointed to see that the envelopes were empty of whatever had originally been inside. She slammed it shut, grabbing he pills from the cabinet above and walked back out to the girls. Her curiosity was getting the best of, a desperate urge to know crawling over her skin. 

She tried to focus on the movie, but it was proving difficult. She was grateful when her phone lit up. She looked at the message and grinned. 

I miss you. 

She was ready to respond to Reggie when she realized it hadn't come from him. It had come from Sweet Pea. 

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