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She didn't know what exactly she was doing inside the bar. She didn't smoke. She didn't party. She didn't even drink anything that had more alcohol percentage than a red wine. She wasn't really a prude. She was more of a.... responsible young woman. Yup, that's exactly what she'd like to think of herself. But here she was inside a Club, standing by the bar like she was totally out of her comfort zone. And she actually was. She never would've imagine in a million years ----- or even in a billion years, really ----- that she'd find herself standing in a bar, on a school night, with a bottle of beer in her hands. She lifted the bottle and took a sniff once again, flinching. The smell gave her the impression that if she drank it, she would combust or maybe even die.

So maybe "die" is an exaggeration. Still, in the twenty minutes that she'd been holding the bottle, she hadn't taken a decent sip. Not that she hadn't tried. When the bartender had handed it to her, she immediately lifted it up to his mouth to drink. As soon as the first few drops of liquid touches her tongue, she stopped and wanted to throw up. It was definitely a long way from red wine, both in alcohol content and in taste. And this place was definitely not her scene.

The only reason she was here? Bella her girlfriend. Or ex-girlfriend. She wasn't even sure. All she knew was that she had accused her of being too uptight. Boring. They had been going out for quite some time now. Actually almost a year now. But they hadn't slept together yet. And it wasn't because of Bella was conservative the latter was really okay and open about it. It was because she was. She was scared of what will people think about them, since their relationship is secret to avoid the nasty remarks of other people. And also her future was important for her. She wanted to become a doctor. Or a lawyer. And if getting into a scandal with her girlfriend would interfere that, well then sex will have to wait.

Except that Bella doesn't want to wait, as I mentioned earlier she was open about it and looking forward for that. She can't really blame her. They were both 22 and according to her, making love was a part of every relationship. She dropped the my-future-is-very-important-and-I-don't-want-to-ruined-it bomb on her tonight, while they were making out in Bella's living room at her apartment. So she kicked her out, saying she can go have a relationship with her future, for all she cared.

And so, she was here. She wanted to prove to her ---- and probably to herself ,as well--- that she wasn't a prude. That she knew how to have a good time. Except she wasn't having a good time. She was alone, standing by the bar, with a beer bottle 99.9% full, and feeling out of place as if she was a kitten in a cage full of dogs.

But her night was about to change. Unexpectedly.

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