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Her laugh was still echoing in her ears as her look of annoyance turned to horror.

" Could you be any louder?" Lisa asked, clearly miffed at her apparent lack of subtlety. While Jennie couldn't stop herself from laughing and covered her mouth to muffle the sound. This went on for a while, her laughing and Lisa silently wishing she hadn't said anything. When Jennie was finally able to calm herself to a soft chuckles she grinned.

" I'm sorry. I was caught off guard by your sudden confession." She explained. While the other girl huffed.

" Fine, Fine," Lisa said dismissing Jennie's apology. It was bad enough that she knew Lisa was a virgin. It was worse that the latter looked like she felt sorry for her.

" Well? Are you a virgin?" Jennie asked, this time with a lower voice so that only they could hear it. Lisa bit her lip and actually considering to lie to her and tell the latter that, No, she was not a virgin but just didn't want to do it with her current girlfriend. But why would she? She wasn't exactly ashamed of her principles... was she? She decide she wasn't

" Yes. And so what if I am? I'm assuming you aren't?" She said a little more coolly than she'd intended. At this, Jennie's facial expression turned dark.

" what's that supposed to mean?" The latter asked in a voice that would've passed as a low growl. The look on her face told her she may have said a bad thing. Jennie looked mad, as if any more wrong words from her and she'd definitely be sorry she said them. She tried a different tactic.

" A virgin, then? Just like me?" she asked trying to keep the mood as light as possible. For some reason she was a little afraid to have Jennie angry. The latter decided to ignore her last two statements and said.

" Well, I have to say, it's not every day I'll meet a girl like you and find out that you haven't slept with your girlfriend ever. Or choose not to have sex with her. Even though she's actually well practically throwing herself at you"

" A girl like me?" Lisa asked. Jennie leaned back on her chair. Still facing Lisa.

" A girl like you, yeah. Very Popular, rich all those mumbo jumbo girls usually line up for. In our society today it doesn't matter if you're a guy or not as long as you have money and fame." She crossed her arms across her chest and waggled her eyebrows playfully.

Lisa was relief that the girl's mood lightened. She turned her chair towards the girl so that they were now face-to-face. If she scooted forward for a little bit more their knees would be touching. She kept her distance between them though. The fact that she was seeing her full on in front of her, her long and smooth legs facing hers, was enough to spark fluttering in the pit of her stomach. There was no need to aggravate the situation by actually touching her. She smiled; a crooked one.

" Would you be one of those girls lining up for it?" She asked, clearly teasing the girl in front of her. She sipped on her tea nonchalantly, to appear as calm as collected as she would like her to think she was.

" Of course. I'd definitely have sex with you, You're cute." Jennie said easily, tilting her head down as she gave her a seductive look from under her thick lashes, a playful smile fainted on her lips.

Lisa choked on her tea as she heard Jennie's answer and splashed liquid down the front of her shirt and shorts. So much for acting calm and collected. In fairness to her she didn't expect her to be this cocky.

Jennie laughed at Lisa's reaction and immediately reached out to where the paper towel dispenser was on the table. She then started dabbing her shirt and dabbed lower slowly, following the trail of the liquid that was poured to her. Jennie was almost to her shorts when the latter suddenly grabbed her wrist and gently pushed her hand away. She looked up to see her staring at back at her and shaking her head,

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